Thursday, November 29, 2007


I got this e-mail and thought I'd share it here.

1. If you are choking on an ice cube simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself.

2. Avoid cutting yourself slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold while you chop.

3. Avoid arguments with the Mrs. about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.

4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.

5. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough.

7. You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

8. Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Advice to Moms

Yesterday I learned a lesson. To know every type of plant that you have in your home. Ava's new favorite place is the bathroom. She is obsessed with playing in the toilet and taking the tissue off the roll. So I am constantly pulling her out, closing the lid, and re-rolling the TP. Our house is old and the bathroom door doesn't latch, so keeping her out of there is difficult. Yesterday I heard her in the bathroom and went in there and she was eating a leaf off of the plant on the back of the toilet. I never thought of this plant getting her attention since she is so obsessed with the other things in there. I immediately called poison control, although I doubted they would be able to help me since I had absolutely no idea what type of plant this was. They advised me to call a local greenhouse and describe the plant to them and see if they could tell me what it is and to call them back. I called and explained to the extremely unhelpful and uncaring lady what had happened. She said the only advise she could give me is to take the leaf to the hospital and let poison control see what kind of plant it is. To which I told her that if the plant was indeed poisionous my daughter would be dead before I could get the leaf to the hospital. As I burst into tears I thanked her for not being willing to help me. This woman obviously is not a mother, a mother would have tried to help the best she could. I got online and finally found a website that had pictures of poisionous plants, which this one was. Thankfully it is not a plant that can kill someone, it has crystals that can cause discomfort in the mouth. I called poison control back and they told me to give her milk, which must be a cure all. In all of my experiences calling poison control (and there have been many) the solution has always been milk. So what I have learned is, to know your plants and always have milk.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Little Belles Boutique

First of all, I am very annoyed about the fact that I am unable to organize the pictures on this post. And it looks terrible.

I have been meaning to do this post for a long time now. I wanted to get Ashley's things to her so she wouldn't know what her gift was before I sent it. So this one is a long time coming. As most of you know, I started my own business a few months ago. I started out making bows for Ava and people started asking where I got them. Well it turned into a little business. It is a lot of fun and I have quite a few regular customers and I sell in 3 local shops. I'm going to be doing a craft show in a few weeks. Since the bows were going over so well, I started making other things, like Swavroski Crystal pacifier holders, burpcloths, wipes cases, and tutus, I've even made a couple of outfits. So if you hear of anyone needing bows, I can set them up.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's Been A While

Mainly just because there hasn't been a lot happening in my life. Nothing new, nothing exciting. The most exciting thing that we have done is this past weekend we took a trip, a very long trip, to Lexington, VA. We met our friends there that recently went to Bethel. It was very nice getting to be with them. It felt like no time had passed and it was like all the other times we were together, it just felt normal. Then I remembered, this isn't how it is anymore and next weekend we won't be doing this, we will be back in MO, and they will be back at Bethel. They are happy there and it was really nice hearing all of the experinces that they get to hear about and learing about Bethel life. We got the news while we were there about the plane crash that killed 5 brothers on the East TN RBC. One of the brothers was my cousin's father-in-law.

It was an 11 hour drive, 11 hours if we didn't have kids that is. Mapquest doesn't figure in kids. Especially a 10 month old that hates riding in a car. The trip home Monday was a nightmare. We decided to go through TN, instead of West VA, just to change it up a bit. We got to around Knoxville and Ava had had enough. We rode though another 175 miles to Nashville and spent the night there, and drove the rest of the way home yesterday. The kids were really happy to be home. We took Heath's truck on the trip and when I went to get in my car yesterday it wouldn't start. A tow truck had to come a tow it to Honda. And Colton wanted to lay in bed with us for a little while last night because he had a tummy ache. At about 9:30 he threw up all over Heath, twice. He was sick all night and still feels bad this morning. Welcome home.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


A few days ago, I ran an ad in the paper to give my dogs away. Bart I've had since he was 5 wks old. He is 10 years old now. And Daisy we had since she was a pup and she is 5. After no less than 50 calls, Daisy got a new home today. An older couple took her that live on a farm. She will be with another lab and will live in a barn and get to run. It was still very sad seeing her go. Even though I think good people got her and it has to be better than living in a small pen in the back yard, I still cried as she rode away. I don't think I can let Bart go. We brought him in and gave him a bath. We are going to try him inside again. I got so many calls on him. Everyone wanted a free Min Pin even if he was an old man. It's been a sad month pet wise. Our cat died and Daisy got a new home.


I tried to get the pictures in order, but it just didn't work.
Rhe, Ava, and I drove up to St. Louis Monday morning to shop before the trip. We were shopping in one of our favorite areas when we saw a stage set up in the parking lot and a big sign that read, "Fergie, Live, June 11, 3:00". We looked at the clock and it was 2:55. We got a spot and got to see her sing Big Girls Don't Cry and Fergilicious. It was really cool that just by chance we were there at the right time.

Tuesday morning we flew out at 6:55. We had a layover in Phoenix and an unexpected stop in Orange County. The take off from there was very strange to say the least. They warned us before we left what it would be like. Literally at the very start of the runway they opened up the engines and we were off the ground in 5 seconds, straight up in the air. Then there was a slight drop to level out. They had to do it because of noise regulations. Since I'm not the greatest flyer, it was very intense. When I use to think of Orange County, I only thought of a great movie starring Jack Black. Now I will think of this crazy take off. We were so exhausted when we finally got to Vacaville. Omar, Heath, and Anne went with Craig to San Francisco to a Giants game.
Wednesday was our day in Napa. The scenery was just beautiful as were the Tuscan inspired buildings. The wineries we visited were Cakebread, Baringer, Maryvale, and V. Sattui. Baringer was really cool. They gave us a private room with a dining table and had us taste the wine with different things, like an apple slice, lemon, and salt.

Thursday, we went to San Francisco. First we stopped at Muir Woods to see the Redwoods. The scenery on the way was amazing. We crossed the Golden Gate bridge and went to Lombard street. This is the curviest street in either America or the world (I can't remember). We drove through China Town and tried to find a parking spot to no avail. We finally found Ghirardelli Square, after going the opposite direction on the map, but we did get to see rainbow flags lining a street. The best thing about Ghirardelli Square was not the chocolate at all, it was a trendy little shop called Kara's Cupcakes. These were the most heavenly cupcakes, perhaps even the most heavenly dessert, I've ever had. My favorite was Fleur Del Sel (salt). It was a chocolate cake filled with caramel ganache, topped with chocolate frosting and a sprinkle of salt. YUM. We went from there to an art gallery. Keene Eyes Gallery. This is the witness artist that drew children with HUGE sad eyes until she learned the truth, now they have happy eyes. Still HUGE. We met a brother that runs it that is in one of her paintings. She now lives in Napa. We went to Pier 39 then and saw the sealions and the other touristy things. San Francisco was a really cool city. It reminded me of New York.
Friday was the beach day. I have never been so cold at a beach. The scenery was beautiful, but it was in the 60's and the wind was blowing hard. I prefer Florida beaches, more packed with people and no pretty scenery, but it's warm.
Saturday we rested and toured the Jelly Belly factory then we went to Sacramento to Ikea (my all time favorite store). And to Mark & Rhonda's for dinner.
Sunday we went back to Napa. Back to V. Sattui, did the tour and tasting. Had a picinic on the grounds by the vineyard under the shade trees. We went to a couple of other wineries too.

Monday we had lunch at the best Mexican restaurant I have ever eaten at. I will crave that place forever! Mexican food in CA is really nothing like it is here. We went to a great little market in Dixon on our way to the airport and got dried fruit and nuts. Our flight left at 5:30. We had a layover in Las Vegas. Colton got sick at the airport and our flight was delayed 2 hours. We landed back in St. Louis at 3:00AM. And pulled into our driveway at 5:30AM. We were going to spend the night in STL, but there was a Baptist convention and not a room in the entire city was open. Almost a week later and I still have jet lag.

We had a great time. It was non-stop but very fun and exciting. We need a vacation now from our vacation. There is just so much to see. We needed at least a month to see everything we wanted to. I'm sure there will be more trips to Cali.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Soundtrack of Your Life

Here's how it works: Open your computer music files, ipod etc and set to 'shuffle'. Whatever song plays first goes in the first slot (no cheating!). When you go to a new question, hit the 'next' button' and continue doing so until all blanks are filled.)

1. Opening Credits: Be Yourself- Audioslave
2. Birth: Crazy Little Thing Called Love- Stray Cats
3. First Day At School: Hey Ya- Outkast
4. Falling In Love: Doesn't Remind Me- Audioslave
5. Fight Song: Remember When- Alan Jackson
6. Breaking Up: I Want it All- Queen
7. Prom: Pump It- Black Eyed Peas
8. Life: Heart Shaped Box- Nirvana
9. Mental Breakdown: Right Here- Staind
10. Driving: We Will Rock You- Queen
11. Flashback: Crash Into Me- Dave Matthews Band
12. Wedding: Blow Away- Staind
13. Birth of a Child: Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
14. Final Battle: Creep- Radiohead
15. Death Scene: I Alone- Live
16. Funeral: Rooster- Alice in Chains
17. Ending Credits: Hemmorage- Fuel

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Goin' Back to Cali

Ok, so not exactly in the words of LL Cool J, since I've never been, I can't really "go back". But there isn't a song, "Goin to Cali", hmm, I don't think so.

We decided today to go on a little farewell trip with our close friends who just got accepted to Bethel. We were planning a trip there with them anyway, but since they have to be at their assignment in early July, we had to move it up, A LOT. Now we are leaving in less than a month. We are flying into Sacramento and are going to be spending time in Napa, San Francisco and Vacaville (where they lived for a while). One last adventure together before they go.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Never Ending Survey part2

WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No. But I have the same name as about every other girl born in the 1970's
KIDS? 2 little uns
DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL ? No, but I have a blog
WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? No. I hate heights.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? Cracklin Oat Bran & Rice Krispies.
DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? No, and like Brooke, I'm always irritated at myself when I put them back on. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Yep, I work out! I can kick yo butt!
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? probably what they are wearing
WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I don't speak my mind to anyone except my immediate family and many times I wish I could or would. I hate confrontation so I guess that's why.
WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARIING? Red sweats with a big bleach mark on the leg and no shoes
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Red, it's my favorite color
FAVORITE SMELL? Fresh-brewed coffee in the morning, watermelon, my bebes, Heath
DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? I stole it from another blog but I do like them
FAVORITE DRINK? Coffee, Iced Tea, Coke Zero, & Gin & Tonic
FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Baseball but only the Cardinals.
HAIR COLOR? Blonde, I don't know what my natural color is anymore
LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? All the way through- Happy Feet, The beginning of The Pursuit of Happiness
SUMMER OR WINTER? Definatly summer
HUGS OR KISSES? hugs unless you are Heath or one of my babies
FAVORITE DESSERT? pie , dark chocolate, tiramisu
WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? I would like to say the bible, but I'm not currently reading any book over 10 pages long and involving lots of pictures.
WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? IRS e-file, a freebie.
WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST ON TV LAST NIGHT? some of American Idol, I just can't get into it this year
FAVORITE SOUNDS? Ava lauging, Heath's truck getting home, Colton playing, Silence
ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Neither, how bout some AC/DC
THE FURTHEST YOU'VE BEEN FROM HOME? Alaska or St. Lucia not sure which is further
DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? I don't think so at least not that I can think of
WHEN WERE YOU BORN? December 25, 1974

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ten Names

Ok, so I swiped it too. It's too funny not to.

My Ten Names.

YOUR REAL NAME: Heather Jennings
YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name plus izzle.) Heaizzle
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav color and fav animal) Red Monkey
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and the street you live on) Denise Elmwood
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) Jenhe (sounds more like Forrest Gump)
YOUR SUPERHERO NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink) Green Gin and Tonic
IRAQI NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, any letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your moms maiden name, 3rd letter of you dads middle name, 1st letter of a siblings first name, and last letter of your moms middle name) Ensovte
YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (parents middle names) June Elvin
YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets) Black Daisy
YOUR ADULT FILM STAR NAME: (your first pet's name plus your mother's maiden name) Mitzi Robertson

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Initiation Into Motherhood

Yesterday evening was so nice that despite all of us having colds we decided to play outside in the back yard. Heath was up on the hill with Ava and Colton and I took Bart out of his cage to let him play. I was walking Bart around the yard on his leash. Colton comes running up to me holding a dandelion (the seed ones that you blow) so I bend down to his level to remind him what to do. I then notice that he is gagging. He evidently remembered from last year that you do something with these but didn't quite remember and he inhaled instead of blowing out. He had the seeds all over his tongue. This boy goes nuts when a hair is in his mouth and freaks out. The seeds were no different. I told him to stick out his tongue so I could wipe it off with his shirt. I didn't get the words out of my mouth and he threw up all over me. This is the first time I have been puked on by one of my kids. Now I can't count the number of times I've been spit up on but actual throw up, this was a first. I felt sorry for the neighbor guy who was eating his dinner outside and saw the whole thing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Babes, Bags, and Bed Bugs

This past weekend I along with 13 other girls from our congregation took a girls only trip to St. Louie. It is the first time I have done anything like this since having my babies. A very sweet sister kept Ava for me so I could go. And Heath kept the Bean.

We left around 8:00 AM on Friday since the stores open at 10:00. We shopped all day and then had dinner and shopped some more afterwards. Then we went to Embassy Suites where we had 4 rooms. At about midnight we had security called on us. So we went to one of the other rooms to continue our party. When the girls sleeping in that room were ready to go to bed we all went back to our room. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. It was a blast. This is a crazy bunch! We finally went to sleep at 3:00 AM.

We got up at 8:00 the next morning and the girls from the room we went to when we had security called on us were complaining about there being ticks in their beds. They said that they moved really fast though. I had recently read an article on bed bugs and this is exactly what they were. It said that most people mistake them for ticks. They have become increasingly popular in the US again because of international travel and the ban of a pesticide that had eliminated them pretty much from here. They are horrible little critters that feed on your blood while you are sleeping. They first inject into you something in their bodies where you don't feel them biting. Many times you take them or their sticky little eggs, home on your luggage without knowing it and then you have them in your home. They are extremely difficult to get rid of. Ever since I read that article I have been so phobic about them. Since I found out they were in that room, I have not been able to sleep. I will never stay there again and absolutly dread staying in a hotel again. And hooray, the one we are staying in for Circuit Assembly and District Convention is right across the street. I will not sleep until I do a thorough check of the mattresses. I am so OCD when it comes to bugs.

We had breakfast and then shopped some more. Then it was back home.

Other than the bed bugs, our trip was a blast. I got to know some sisters better that I didn't know very well, and just had a great time with the ones I know well. I came back with lots of bags of loot (mostly for Colton and Ava) and lots of memories that I will never forget. I hope we can do it again soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Church Signs

Brooke and I for several years call each other when we see a great church sign. So I thought I would post a few of my favorites.

I have seen this one twice now on different churchs, it's the best one I've seen in a while. Peanut butter isn't the only thing being recalled by it's maker. Other ones that really make you think are... And you think it's hot here (of course this one works best in Summertime), Come in for a faith lift, and my personal all time favorite, Go Jesus Go (displayed at Christmas time) Where exactly is Jesus going? Or is this a Jesus cheer? If so, let me get my pom poms. I guess you have to go in to find out for sure.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Hooray for Free Stuff

Everyone that knows me well knows about my love of free things. Whether it is dumpster diving for whatever treasure might be found to surfing the net for free samples. I have found some really awesome things. My best web freebie was my SonicCare Electric toothbrush (AVR $80) and my Senseo Coffee Maker (ARV $50). Yesterday when I heard UPS drop a package I had no idea what was waiting outside my door. I knew right away when I saw the package. It was my free Starbucks tee shirt. Starbucks had a promotion a couple of weeks ago where you designed a shirt with your favorite drink on it and they gave away a very limited number of them. I just happened to get in at the exact moment they came available. Well, I was so excited to get my shirt that I didn't notice at first a little card inside the envelope. It is a coupon to get the drink on your shirt at any Starbucks when you have the shirt on and present your coupon. And Turborip, I know your little one is into Thomas Trains, they have a promotion now to get a free Thomas wooden engine. This is how Colton has gotten most of his Thomas trains. You just pay $2.99 for shipping, but seeing that they are anywhere from $13-$20, it's a good deal. To anyone who enjoys getting cool freebies in the mail, here is the link where I get most of them.

Monday, February 12, 2007

My Girls

A while back a good friend of mine did a tribute on her blog to her good friends. As I was laying in bed last night I started thinking of all of my wonderful girlfriends and how much they all mean to me. And I thought that I would do a tribute like she did for each. To each and every one of you, I love you all so much and am so thankful to have you all in my life. So here goes in the order that you came into my life.

T.H. & B.H.- I feel like I have to put the two of you together. We have spent so little time one on one since we have been adults. And I feel the same way about both of you. I have never thought of you as cousins. The title cousin has never been able to express the closeness that we have. I have always felt like your big sister even when we were very young. Maybe that's why I feel very protective of the two of you. We have had some unforgettable times together. The two of you are in so many of my good memories and in a lot of my earliest ones. My favorite will always be Mexico. What a great time we had. Everytime I think of it I smile and get sad because I wish we could do it all over again. I would hop on a plane right now with you two (and my family of course) and head down there. But, anytime spent with the two of you though are always good times and make happy memories. You both have always been there for me through the good times and bad. You have always listened when I've needed a shoulder to cry on. B- there is no one on earth that can make me laugh like you. You are the funniest person I know and you can find humor in almost any situation. You are also very tenderhearted. I miss all of my family in Memphis, but the two of you are the ones that I have always missed the most. Especially over the last few years since we have been closer than ever. It's always so hard to say goodbye. I love you two more than I could ever begin to say.

A.P.W.- You are also my happy memory from Kingsbury Jr. High. I was so very sad when you went to Craigmont, I tried my hardest to get my parents to let me go there too. I will never forget all of the great times we had when we were young teens. It was great that your mom worked at the mall. A dream for teenaged girls to go to work with her mom and hang out all day. Remember walking through there holding hands and saying as we passed people looking at us oddly, "No we're not". Nerds we were. So many of my memories of our time together were out in service with your brother and this old brother (his name isn't coming to me). We wrote many letters sitting on the couch in your living room to people that were in the obituary (not to them but the relatives :)). And I remember laying on your mom's bed studying our Watchtower. You did the first half, I did the last, and then we copied each others underlining.You inspired my artistic side. I wanted so badly to be able to write and draw like you. Of course I was never able to. One of my most valued posessions is the paperdolls you gave me on my wedding day. I have been so happy to have you back in my life these last few years and I am so sorry that so much time passed.

S.P.A.- I remember meeting you at Skateland. You were wearing a hot pink sweater. It was an instant friendship. Although we lost touch for several years I never stopped loving you or thinking about you. You had such a deep impact on my life. How could you not have, we spent so much time together in our formative teenage years. You were and still are like a sister to me. I will never forget all the times we met halfway with our parents at BP because we couldn't drive yet. Or the time mom freaked out and called the police because she thought we were missing and she sat her purse on the note saying that we went to the movie to see Dances With Wolves. Or all the times we drove out to Old Time Pottery stopping at Taco Bell along the way getting our usual, a Burrito Supreme and Nacho Supreme or when we were feeling really bad a Burrito Supreme and a Nachos BelGrande (with 2 waters along with our drinks so they wouldn't think we were pigs), listening to Magic Carpet Ride over and over trying to figure out what they were saying. I loved pioneering with you and going to pioneer school together. I still think of the young woman you studied with that lived so far out and wonder what ever happened to her. One of the things that makes me saddest in my life is that we lost touch for so long. Thank you for coming back into my life. I can't wait to see you.

R.S.M.- I remember meeting you at the hall right when you moved back from CA. I thought you hated me. Shortly thereafter I went to your graduation party and then your wedding and shortly after that we became friends. I remember thinking wow, we have done something with them every weekend lately. There is no one that truly "gets" my love for Target or Mexico like you do. I think about you and wonder how I would have ever survived without you. You have truly been a friend through it all and when I needed a friend the most. We have some great memories together too. Hey, you remember that time we went to Mexico and that last day walking back from the beach? ;) Yes, I know you do since we still talk about it a year later. Thank you for being there for me and being my friend sticking closer than a brother.

A.N.- I think you are probably in the wrong spot as to when you really came into my life. I put you in here though because it's when we became real friends. I remember meeting you when we were very young kids maybe 10 or so. It seems like we were in Little Rock, AR for a convention. But I also remember being in Cape at your house. I wanted you to come home with me so bad and I think that we devised a little plan but your folks said no. I was so disappointed. Little did I know that years later, I would marry a close friend of yours and I would live in your town and we would be friends as adults. You are such a great person. I enjoy all of the time we spend together. You definatly make the best goulash, apple pie, and gin & tonic in the world!

S.T.N.- The first time I remember meeting you, you were very pregnant with your youngest. You were wearing a gold outfit and you looked so pretty. Although that was years ago, we didn't become good friends until recently. You are truly kind and so thoughtful not to mention hospitable. I always look forward to spending time with you and your family and we always have such a great time together.

I feel so fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life. Thank you all for being a part of it. I love you all so much.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday Update

Ok, so I think I'm giving up on my weekly post on my weight loss because I am doing so terribly on sticking to any kind of healthy eating plan. I try hard during the week and then on the weekends it is always blown. If we would actually join the gym instead of talking about it, perhaps I would feel a little more motivated.

We had nice weekend. We hired a sister from our hall to babysit on Saturday night. It's the first time we have been out together in a really long time. And the first time anyone besides family has watched our kids. We went to a really cool place here called Royal N'Orleans. It's very good and a really nice place. We handed over the babies at 5:00, had dinner and went to Barnes and Noble to check out some house plan books. By 8:30 we were so beat, we had to go home. We had the babysitter until 10:00, but I guess we are too old to hang out that late. We went to a Superbowl Party last night at some friend's house. It was almost like having a babysitter again. Most of our congregation was there and they all are very helpful with the kids.

Colton picked out a new fish, a new, "Charie", this week at Walmart. That stupid fish is already dead! Flushed him this morning. He must have been sick to begin with, or maybe it was the gummy fruit snack Colton put in his bowl for him. But I think this is the last of the fish. At least the Beta fish. Maybe I will purchase an $.18 goldfish next time for him.

I think Ava may be better. It is so hard to tell. She still has a cough and runny nose but not a cough like it was. They said it usually only lasts a week. She has been sick for over 3 weeks.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ok, so I'm a day late posting my progress or lack there of. This week my weight stayed the same. Which is quite amazing since I did horrible on sticking with any kind of plan.

Saturday night Ava coughed all night long. She couldn't even catch her breath between coughing. I called her doctor Sunday morning and he said to take her to the ER that it sounded like she may possibly have RSV. I didn't think she did because she had already been sick for 2 weeks and I had taken her to see him a week before and they checked then for RSV and it was negative. After waiting hours in the ER the test came back positive. They prescribed some meds for her and told me to use a vaporizer in the room. They told me she should be fine and it is most serious if the baby is under 2 months old and in the elderly. I must mention the hospital gown, which was the cutest and tiniest thing ever. It was white with pink elephants, dinosaurs, and whales and it said SOOOO Big. She looked adorable in it despite being so ill. She seemed to do better yesterday but last night was horrible. I did not make it to bed until 6:00 this morning and I was awakened at 8:00 by Colton putting stickers all over my arms and head. I did doze a little while I was holding her on the couch all night, but she started crying all over again every time her paci would fall out of her mouth.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I am Superman

I have no idea what has started my son's recent obsession with the Man of Steel. He has never seen Superman movies or shows, so I don't know how he even knows anything about him. Since he began talking about him I was reminded of a garage sale purchase I made for him before he was even born. A Superman shirt complete with a red cape. I pulled it out, and it fit him perfectly. It is now his favorite and he wants to wear it constantly. He runs around the house holding the cape out behind him "flying". He says, "I am Superman", and I think he truly believes he is.

Monday, January 22, 2007

How is This Possible?

I have done horrible on this diet the entire week. I was on it for 2 days. This weekend I ate any and everything I wanted. And I lost 5 pounds! What is up with that? Now I am wondering if I should even go back on it.

Heath and I got to go on a date last night. It's the first time we have been out together in a very long time. We went to one of our favorite restaurants that we never take the kids to because it is a tiny little hole in the wall that isn't big enough to have a non-smoking section. Then we went to a movie. We saw Night at the Museum. I thought it was great. It had a lot of funny parts.

Ava has slept all night for 2 nights in a row. Last night I couldn't get her to go to sleep so she wound up sleeping with us. I don't think we will ever get Colton out and I swore that Ava would not sleep with us. I don't know what to do though when I'm exhausted and the only way she will sleep is to be held. If our house was set up different I could just put her in her crib and let her cry like the doctor recommended.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Second Weigh In

So I still weigh the exact same as when I started this program. I did good all week but the weekend I did not do well at all. Tina and Brooke were here. Who wants to diet when you are having so much fun with them. I guess at least I didn't gain.

We are going to join the gym though. I am so excited because Heath is going to join with me and there is a great child care program there so we will get a few hours a week to ourselves. A lot of our friends belong there too and go to a body pump class 3 times a week, so we are going to try that too. Surely the diet along with working out 3 times a week, I will lose weight. I think I will be more motivated because it will be a little time without the kids. Something I have not had for 2.5 years, time to myself. Hooray!

I lost my keys this weekend. We went to Outback and I know I had them there and driving there was the last time I used them. I've called Outback numerous times to no avail. My car key is going to cost $100 to replace and my safe deposit box key $50. It makes me sick that I can't find them. I'm sure Heath is going to be thrilled when I tell him how much they are going to be to replace.

I noticed this morning that Colton's Beta fish, "Charlie", is dying. I told him that Charlie was very sick and was going to die and when he did we are going to have to flush him down the potty. He said, "Coco tell Charie sompin, Charie don't cry". It was very sweet and very sad, even though his next words were, "get new one".

Monday, January 08, 2007

First Weigh In

Ok, so my first week was not so great since I still weigh the exact same. I did really well on sticking with it. It's super easy, except when it comes to eating out. We ate out 3 times this weekend. Once at a Mexican place where Heath and I split fajitas and I got corn tortillas with mine (no refined flour) and I ate 3 chips. Did good there. Sat night we went to a sports bar type place by the river. They are famous, here anyway, for their peel and eat shrimp. I got that and also had one of Heath's cheese sticks and a Gin & Tonic. I didn't do to bad until we stopped at the custard joint and I had about 10 bites of Heath's Apple Pie Jackhammer. They take a slice of apple pie and blend it into frozen custard, put a hole in the middle and pour in hot caramel. It is to die for. Yesterday after the meeting we went to the Chinese place, and although I didn't eat much, what I did eat was not part of the program.

I know everyone that reads my blog is really interested in what I ate this weekend :) It's some interesting stuff that I am sure will brighten your day!

Friday, January 05, 2007

My Resolution

I have decided that I am bound and determined to lose this baby weight and a few more pounds while I'm at it. This isn't a New Years resolution. It just happened to be at the same time.

One of my best girl friends has lost a ton of weight (not literally) and looks great. Not that she was even remotely big to begin with. As a matter of fact when she started this I wondered why and where she was going to lose this weight she spoke of. She has always looked gorgeous. Now I am really jealous every time we go shopping and everything looks so good on her and I look like a cow and nothing at all even fits me. One of the joys of having a baby is how much your body changes.

So this is how she has done it and I'm going to do it too. The diet consists of 3 rules.
1. Fat from calories must not be over 30%
2. No enriched flour
3. No sugar
It goes on the principle that it doesn't matter when or how much you eat, but what you eat. This part I am a fan of. I have never been able to stay on a diet because when I am on one, I am constantly hungry and thinking about food. I started the diet on Monday and have done really well so far. If I am hungry after I eat my sugar free pudding, I can eat 10 more of them. Not that I would, but just the thought that I could, I think makes me OK with a smaller amount. I doubt that I've lost any weight yet but, my stomach feels better. I hasn't ached all week. This is a huge deal since my stomach hurts everyday. I know for sure now that it is sugar that was doing it. I know I need to add in exercise, I've not figured out how to fit that in yet.

My goal is to lose 20lbs. That sounds reasonable to me for now. Monday when I started this I weighed 165lbs. 15lbs is baby weight and I want to lose 5 more on top of it. Every Monday I will post my weight. I am thinking that posting this may help me stick with it even better.