Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's Been A While

Mainly just because there hasn't been a lot happening in my life. Nothing new, nothing exciting. The most exciting thing that we have done is this past weekend we took a trip, a very long trip, to Lexington, VA. We met our friends there that recently went to Bethel. It was very nice getting to be with them. It felt like no time had passed and it was like all the other times we were together, it just felt normal. Then I remembered, this isn't how it is anymore and next weekend we won't be doing this, we will be back in MO, and they will be back at Bethel. They are happy there and it was really nice hearing all of the experinces that they get to hear about and learing about Bethel life. We got the news while we were there about the plane crash that killed 5 brothers on the East TN RBC. One of the brothers was my cousin's father-in-law.

It was an 11 hour drive, 11 hours if we didn't have kids that is. Mapquest doesn't figure in kids. Especially a 10 month old that hates riding in a car. The trip home Monday was a nightmare. We decided to go through TN, instead of West VA, just to change it up a bit. We got to around Knoxville and Ava had had enough. We rode though another 175 miles to Nashville and spent the night there, and drove the rest of the way home yesterday. The kids were really happy to be home. We took Heath's truck on the trip and when I went to get in my car yesterday it wouldn't start. A tow truck had to come a tow it to Honda. And Colton wanted to lay in bed with us for a little while last night because he had a tummy ache. At about 9:30 he threw up all over Heath, twice. He was sick all night and still feels bad this morning. Welcome home.


jewlover2 said...

Awwww, poor Colton. My boys have had stomach yuckiness lately too. Poor things...all of them.

I'm sad that you didnt call me when you were passing between Knoxville and Nashville. You could have stayed w/ us instead of spending your night in sleezy ol' Nashville. But I understand, you probably didnt know WHAT you were going to do until you did it...that happens to us too.

When Johnson was five mos old, we made a trip to Memphis (not his first by any means) and for some reason he screamed the ENTIRE time. I've never put up w/ anything like that before or since. It's amazing what a parent can suffer thru and still be nice. :) Well, kinda nice...

Heather said...

I actually was going to call you. We went to Opry Mills mall. Colton is obsessed with Bass Pro Shop. I was walking through the mall with Ava and wanted to call you, but I didn't have your number. It was in my old phone that I lost :(

jewlover2 said...

doh! :)

Brooke said...

That car ride sounds like a hoot! I can't get over poor little CoCo being sick for so long and now it being passed to all yall. :( Poor you guys.....

Sarah said...

Sounds like you guys had the kind of trip we did! Coming home from Orlando on Monday Violet got in a fight with her cousin Ella, and they decided that to settle it they would scream "MINE!!" every time they looked at each other. Add to that the fun of diarrhea in a pull-up and its a dream!

Tina said...

Poor little Coco bean.