Monday, February 12, 2007

My Girls

A while back a good friend of mine did a tribute on her blog to her good friends. As I was laying in bed last night I started thinking of all of my wonderful girlfriends and how much they all mean to me. And I thought that I would do a tribute like she did for each. To each and every one of you, I love you all so much and am so thankful to have you all in my life. So here goes in the order that you came into my life.

T.H. & B.H.- I feel like I have to put the two of you together. We have spent so little time one on one since we have been adults. And I feel the same way about both of you. I have never thought of you as cousins. The title cousin has never been able to express the closeness that we have. I have always felt like your big sister even when we were very young. Maybe that's why I feel very protective of the two of you. We have had some unforgettable times together. The two of you are in so many of my good memories and in a lot of my earliest ones. My favorite will always be Mexico. What a great time we had. Everytime I think of it I smile and get sad because I wish we could do it all over again. I would hop on a plane right now with you two (and my family of course) and head down there. But, anytime spent with the two of you though are always good times and make happy memories. You both have always been there for me through the good times and bad. You have always listened when I've needed a shoulder to cry on. B- there is no one on earth that can make me laugh like you. You are the funniest person I know and you can find humor in almost any situation. You are also very tenderhearted. I miss all of my family in Memphis, but the two of you are the ones that I have always missed the most. Especially over the last few years since we have been closer than ever. It's always so hard to say goodbye. I love you two more than I could ever begin to say.

A.P.W.- You are also my happy memory from Kingsbury Jr. High. I was so very sad when you went to Craigmont, I tried my hardest to get my parents to let me go there too. I will never forget all of the great times we had when we were young teens. It was great that your mom worked at the mall. A dream for teenaged girls to go to work with her mom and hang out all day. Remember walking through there holding hands and saying as we passed people looking at us oddly, "No we're not". Nerds we were. So many of my memories of our time together were out in service with your brother and this old brother (his name isn't coming to me). We wrote many letters sitting on the couch in your living room to people that were in the obituary (not to them but the relatives :)). And I remember laying on your mom's bed studying our Watchtower. You did the first half, I did the last, and then we copied each others underlining.You inspired my artistic side. I wanted so badly to be able to write and draw like you. Of course I was never able to. One of my most valued posessions is the paperdolls you gave me on my wedding day. I have been so happy to have you back in my life these last few years and I am so sorry that so much time passed.

S.P.A.- I remember meeting you at Skateland. You were wearing a hot pink sweater. It was an instant friendship. Although we lost touch for several years I never stopped loving you or thinking about you. You had such a deep impact on my life. How could you not have, we spent so much time together in our formative teenage years. You were and still are like a sister to me. I will never forget all the times we met halfway with our parents at BP because we couldn't drive yet. Or the time mom freaked out and called the police because she thought we were missing and she sat her purse on the note saying that we went to the movie to see Dances With Wolves. Or all the times we drove out to Old Time Pottery stopping at Taco Bell along the way getting our usual, a Burrito Supreme and Nacho Supreme or when we were feeling really bad a Burrito Supreme and a Nachos BelGrande (with 2 waters along with our drinks so they wouldn't think we were pigs), listening to Magic Carpet Ride over and over trying to figure out what they were saying. I loved pioneering with you and going to pioneer school together. I still think of the young woman you studied with that lived so far out and wonder what ever happened to her. One of the things that makes me saddest in my life is that we lost touch for so long. Thank you for coming back into my life. I can't wait to see you.

R.S.M.- I remember meeting you at the hall right when you moved back from CA. I thought you hated me. Shortly thereafter I went to your graduation party and then your wedding and shortly after that we became friends. I remember thinking wow, we have done something with them every weekend lately. There is no one that truly "gets" my love for Target or Mexico like you do. I think about you and wonder how I would have ever survived without you. You have truly been a friend through it all and when I needed a friend the most. We have some great memories together too. Hey, you remember that time we went to Mexico and that last day walking back from the beach? ;) Yes, I know you do since we still talk about it a year later. Thank you for being there for me and being my friend sticking closer than a brother.

A.N.- I think you are probably in the wrong spot as to when you really came into my life. I put you in here though because it's when we became real friends. I remember meeting you when we were very young kids maybe 10 or so. It seems like we were in Little Rock, AR for a convention. But I also remember being in Cape at your house. I wanted you to come home with me so bad and I think that we devised a little plan but your folks said no. I was so disappointed. Little did I know that years later, I would marry a close friend of yours and I would live in your town and we would be friends as adults. You are such a great person. I enjoy all of the time we spend together. You definatly make the best goulash, apple pie, and gin & tonic in the world!

S.T.N.- The first time I remember meeting you, you were very pregnant with your youngest. You were wearing a gold outfit and you looked so pretty. Although that was years ago, we didn't become good friends until recently. You are truly kind and so thoughtful not to mention hospitable. I always look forward to spending time with you and your family and we always have such a great time together.

I feel so fortunate to have so many wonderful people in my life. Thank you all for being a part of it. I love you all so much.


rhelea said...

Thank you so much! I love being your friend, always knowing who to call @ the last minute when you just want to hang out. I know my life is crazy but please let me know if I can help with the babies, I promise it is no inconvience. By the way thanks for intraducing me to 2 other of your girls, B.H. & T.H. I love hanging out with them & only lived closer.

rhelea said...

p.s. Never hated you, promise, just didn't know you.

jewlover2 said...

Thanks so much sweet lady! I forgot all about the 'no we're not' thing! Dear Lord! Something else I remember is trying on prom dresses and wedding dresses at you remember that? And buying bride magazines just so we could write our names on the pictures? Sheesh.

I dont remember who that brother would have been either. Oh well. It's so funny the things we remember and the things we don't.

Hope to see you soon,

Tina said...

Most people think of Brooke and I that way. 2 halves of a whole.

In our new place we have this shelf with pics of the three of us at various stages in our life. And whenever we get to talking about you we say "we are sisters that's just all there is to it". It just is the way it should be.

And I value our relationship so much. I love that we can disagree about things but we always talk it through. I'm never afraid that anything could make us hate each other cause no matter how bad it is I know we meant to much to each other to not fix it.

Love you tons.

Brooke said...

Mexico....How I love thee. That really was such an incredible trip. That last day was just one of my favorite days EVAR! But you know I love you too. I don't even offer an explanation when I tell people about my niece and nephew and our other sister. It's just the way it is. You're our sister. The End. And yeah, it's the bomb how we are able to get through crap the way we do. Awesomeness.... Course, why the heck would we *want* to stay mad at each other ever?? Stinky poo!
Love you tons. :)
Oh yeah! vice versa on what you said Rhe. Glad we know ya'll now too. :)