Friday, January 05, 2007

My Resolution

I have decided that I am bound and determined to lose this baby weight and a few more pounds while I'm at it. This isn't a New Years resolution. It just happened to be at the same time.

One of my best girl friends has lost a ton of weight (not literally) and looks great. Not that she was even remotely big to begin with. As a matter of fact when she started this I wondered why and where she was going to lose this weight she spoke of. She has always looked gorgeous. Now I am really jealous every time we go shopping and everything looks so good on her and I look like a cow and nothing at all even fits me. One of the joys of having a baby is how much your body changes.

So this is how she has done it and I'm going to do it too. The diet consists of 3 rules.
1. Fat from calories must not be over 30%
2. No enriched flour
3. No sugar
It goes on the principle that it doesn't matter when or how much you eat, but what you eat. This part I am a fan of. I have never been able to stay on a diet because when I am on one, I am constantly hungry and thinking about food. I started the diet on Monday and have done really well so far. If I am hungry after I eat my sugar free pudding, I can eat 10 more of them. Not that I would, but just the thought that I could, I think makes me OK with a smaller amount. I doubt that I've lost any weight yet but, my stomach feels better. I hasn't ached all week. This is a huge deal since my stomach hurts everyday. I know for sure now that it is sugar that was doing it. I know I need to add in exercise, I've not figured out how to fit that in yet.

My goal is to lose 20lbs. That sounds reasonable to me for now. Monday when I started this I weighed 165lbs. 15lbs is baby weight and I want to lose 5 more on top of it. Every Monday I will post my weight. I am thinking that posting this may help me stick with it even better.


jewlover2 said...

I am your cheering section! I love seeing other people reach their fitness goals and I know you can do it. I have made the plan to eat better as well, watching serving sizes and carbohydrate intake but also trying to stay away from sugar (excepting what is in my protein bar) also.

I think your goal is very realistic. Working out is very much a part of my daily routine but it is important that I stick to it or I find it difficult to add back in. I get up at 5:30 and work out for an hour before I do anything else. It's the only way I will actually stick to it.

I love Cathe Frederick's series on Fit Tv and pilates is really great too.

You are gorgeous just like you are but I know how it feels to want to feel great too.

Heather said...

Thanks Ashley.

I would like to try Pilates. I need to go to the library and check out a video and see how I like it. Actually what I would love to do is join the gym. My good friend works there and they have a great child care program. It is so expensive to join though.

Brooke said...

You can do it! You can do it all ni...wait a minute. Haha. I hope you know the line I'm quoting, it's not near as funny without the great voice to go with it. Anywho, very proud of you. And I hope you know I will believe you are disgustingly beautiful even if you became.....a whale or something bigish,I don't know. And glad your belly is feeling better! :D I know what a lack of fun a bad belly can be. :/

Brooke said...

Whoa nelly! Your comment appeared out of nowhere! Sweet!

jewlover2 said...

Lol...Brooke, you is a card! I love that movie!

By the way, Heather...a dvr is a great investment if you don't already have one. It's much cheaper than the gym or buying workout tapes...if you get fit tv that is. They have all kinds of great workout shows and you can record and save them for whenever you like. All kinds of great workouts on there.