Friday, December 15, 2006

The Never Ending Survey

Name: Heather
Age: 32
Hair Color: Light brown with blonde highlights on top
Eye Color: Green
Pet(s) & Their Name(s): 2 dogs Bart and Daisy, Kitty Harley, and fish Charlie
Birthplace: Memfo
Nickname(s): Heddo
Most Widespread Nickname: Heddo but only by people who have known me a really long time
Height: 5'5"
Mood Right Now: Stressed, Ava has been screaming her head off, Colton somehow got a DVD stuck in the player behind the thing you put the DVD in and now it won't close and he just stopped crying to watch a movie. Agghhh!!!!!

Color: Red
Animal: I am not too much of an animal person since I had kids
Number: 4, the number of people in my family
Gum: Big Red because it reminds me of my husband's kisses in the early days. Hey me too Ashley. Big Red and Drakkar cologne was what he always smelled like.
Sport: Baseball... Go Cardinals winners of the 2006 World Series, Yeah Baby!
Season: A tie between fall and spring
Candy: Dark Chocolate
Song: about anything by AC/DC or Aerosmith
Actor: Tom Hanks & Chris Farley (so sad he's dead)
TV Show: Saturday Night Live although I rarely am up late enough to watch the new ones, My Name is Earl, 24

~This or That~
Morning or Evening: Evening
Hugs or Kisses: Hugs-please no kisses unless you are my hubby or one of my babies
Love or Money: Love
Movies or Music: Movies
Big Crowds or Little Crowds: Little crowds
Beach or Mountains: Beach although I love the mountains too
Six Flags or Carowinds: Disneyworld
Percussion or Strings: Strings
Skateboard or Skooter: Skooter I guess, I've never been on a skateboard, but I did almost kill myself on a skooter...I'll take cars.
Heels or Sneakers: Heels the higher the better
Black or White: Black
Red or Green: Red
Skittles or M&Ms: M& M's (peanut or dark chocolate ones please)
Sun or Moon: Sun
Water or Fire: Water

~Have You Ever~

Danced in the Rain: not that I remember
Honked a Car Horn at Strangers: when I was a teenager
Done Something You Regret: Of course who hasn't
Cried in a Full Theater: Yes many times, the stupidest movie I cried over in a full theater was Edward Scissorhands, Sheesh!
Done Drugs: No
Smiled for No Reason: yes
Thought About Something and Laughed Really Loud: Yes, usually about something Brooke said
Done Something Stupid in Front of Your Crush: I remember that from many years ago
Said Something No One Else Got: yes
Acted/Sang on Stage: I was in a couple dramas and have had some assembly parts
Had a Cavity: I have some right now I think
Said Something That Others Took Wrong: Very often
Been Told to Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter: yep
Been in Love: Yeah, I have been for 14 years
Fallen Down in Public: Yes
Been Stupid in Front of a Lot of People: Yep
Done Something Someone Said You Could Never Do: yep

~Do You~

Sing Well: No and I don't in front of people except my kids
Dance Well: No, but I do it anyway.
Embarrassed Easily: Yes
Consider Yourself a Morning Person: No definatly not, especially after being up all night with the baby
Take Walks in the Rain: only when I have to
Keep Your Promises: Yes, I try my best anyway
Like to Talk: only to people I am very comfortable around
Speak Your Mind: I wish I could
Trust Others Easily: yes

~Movies & Music~

Best Movie You've Seen in Theaters Lately: I have seen 2 movies in the theater in the past 2 years and neither were very good.
Saddest Movie: A River Runs Through It
Cutest Movie: can't think of any right now
Movie You Find Yourself Quoting: Tommy Boy, Napoleon Dynamite, There's Something About Mary (the edited TV version), and Almost Heroes (Bidwell, Can you hear me?)
Ever Made Movies With Your Friends: no, but Ashley and I were going to do Little Women in which I was going to play Meg and she was going to play the part of Jo, we never got around to it. You remember that Ashley?
Radio Station You Listen to Most: Any one that's playing a song I like at the moment
Song Currently Stuck in Your Head: Time to Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli (It's Colton's nap song)
Stupidest Song You've Heard Lately: The theme to Wonder Pets and all of the other kids show theme songs that get in my mind and never leave
Song You Hear Most on the Radio: I don't listen often enough to notice

Would You EVER

Skydive: if the plane was crashing
Do You Think There's Gold on the Other End of a Rainbow? No, but Colton has just learned to dig for gold. In his nose that is. Yuck! I guess it was bound to happen.
What CD Have You Listened to Most Lately? AC/DC Back in Black and Mary Had a Little Amp
Have you everr Held a Snake or Tarantula? snake
Do You Like Scary Movies? not really
What's Your Pet Peeve? guilt trips
Do You Have a Type A Personality? no I don't think so
What Would YOU Do for a Klondike Bar? Nothing, I don't really like them. Now a Dove bar might be a different story.
What's the One Thing You Would Bring With You to a Deserted Island? a fishing pole, I don't know.
Ever Been Tubing? Yes, it's fun when the river is actually moving, otherwise not so much
Drove a Jetski? no
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight? No, but I believe in attraction at first sight.
Introvert or Extrovert? both, it depends on how comfortable I am with the people and situation
Do You Like Big Crowds? yes sometimes
What's Your Favorite Quote from a Friend? I love the saying on Tina's Blog. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, and all is well.
Word Do You Use Too Much? like
Can You Sing Your ABC's Backward's? I could if I felt like concentrating that hard.
What's the Latest You've Ever Stayed Up? All night
Have You Ever Been Betrayed? Yeah
What's Your Greatest Strength(s)? I try to keep peace with everyone
Weakness(es)? trying to keep peace with everyone and not being able to tell people what I really think
You Laugh a Lot? Yes.
Are You a Leader or a Follower? A follower, but I hope to my kids a leader
Do You WANT to Be Like Everyone Else? No
'What's the Compliment You Receive Most? that I have sweet kids
Do You March to the Beat of Your OWN Drummer? yes
Can You Talk Extremely Fast? yes


Brooke said...

Yay! I LOVE these things! :) It does take forever to fill it out though huh? I liked it a lot. And I'm glad I'm the cause of you laughing out loud randomly. Heh heh. Along with honking car horns for people, this too is one of my great pleasures in life. :D Haha

Anonymous said...

I gotta give props to the AC/DC nod and the mention of the edited There's Something About Mary. I get the feeling our families would get along real well!

jewlover2 said...

I do remember our Little Women goals...never worked out did it...probably because we didnt have Christian Bale around to play Laurie like in the movie and then, what would be the point? LOL

Ahhh, 'big red' kisses. I remember those so well. When hubby started avoiding sugary gum, it was the friggin' end of an era! His cologne was patchouli oil at the time-I miss that too.

OH! And Edward Scissorhands is a GREAT movie! Never be ashamed for having cried thru it...;)

Tina said...

Heather & Ashley - You two are nerds w/your Big Red lovin husbands. Cute ones, but nerds none the less.
At least we know Colton is a normal male child. *sigh*
That skydiving if the plane was crashing was a smart thought.
Glad you like my quote. It's a very comforting thought, eh?
Love you and your gold diggin, sreamin babies. And your Big Red lovin husband as well. :)