Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Little Monsters

No one ever told me that having 2 kids was going to be so difficult. I guess the hardest thing for me so far is not feeling like I can get out. And my lack of adult conversation and company (until Heath gets home anyway). It is so hard to just get out of the house. With 2 kids to get dressed and one that hates getting out of his jammies. It is a battle and one that I haven't fought too many times in the past month. Then with the little one it never fails that she is hungry right when we are walking out.
Last week after being depressed about constantly being home, I decided to bite the bullet and go to my favorite store which I have desperately missed, Target. I was very brave taking 2 kids and taking them pretty close to nap time. I just had to get out. Colton did great through Target but then we had to go grocery shopping at Wally World. A store that makes the sanest person crazy, so I guess I can't blame him to much for this. He did very good until it was time to leave. He wanted some Reeses Pieces, I agreed since he had been so good. Then he kept standing in the cart, I kept telling him no. So I took the candy and put it back. He had a complete and total meltdown. The first one in public. I was proud of myself for not giving in and giving him the candy back, and for not feeling at all embarassed as everyone looked at my child and then me.
Yesterday we returned to Walmart for groceries and no meltdown occured. But as we were walking out I realized that I had forgotten something that I came for. I was talking to the sweet old lady that watches the exit about her watching my cart so I could run back and get the thing I needed. Colton made a mad dash out the door. I was forced to run after him and trust that the sweet old lady would make sure sleeping Ava was ok. He was running for the Big Bird ride that he is obsessed with. He scared me to death. I'm not sure how you are suppose to shop for groceries with 2 kids. Do the people who make carts think that nobody has more than one child? Ava is in the top part because with a carrier in the bottom part there is no where for groceries. So Colton sits in the bottom part surrounded by groceries. And when they are bagged there is no more room for Colton. How do people with more than 2 kids grocery shop? I don't know if next week I will brave Walmart again by myself.
I am determined to not let this house get to me anymore. I am not a home body and never have been. I had almost at anytime be anywhere but home. That must be where Colton gets it. Every time we are driving home and get close he starts saying, "No home". I guess I'm just going to have to get use to this and deal with it.


Tina said...

Poor Heddo! What a naughty bean. I wish so BAD we could come up and see you and help out.
I have a picture of COlton hanging up at my cube and all the ladies were carrying on over him today. He may be naughty but he is terribly cute.

jewlover2 said...

Okay sis, I'm am RIGHT THERE witcha.

I also am dealing w/ the two kids at the grocery store thing. Even though Johnson is six, he is very whiny at the store so I know what you're going through. He walks around behind the cart like he's on death row...LOL! When you have a TODDLER and a baby, though-it's a different story. You're gonna have to have help at the grocery store. Either go when Heath can go w/ you or get a friend to accompany you. OR, better yet, leave Ava w/ Heath on the weekend when you go w/ Colton and give ya'll some alone time. Nathan has had a couple of meltdowns at the store also. It's WONDERFUL that you didnt give in because of being watched; I know how tempting it is. I have found that biting my lip and staying calm while he's doing it, while at the same time letting him know this is NOT okay seems to have the best affect on those around you. Most people at Wal Mart have seen it all and most are parents so they can sympathize.
Parents w/ more than two kids usually have at least one older kid that can help supervise...Johnson is kind of that age. When he's not whining, he's pretty helpful...LOL

I know how annoying it can get being at home all the time. I work at home so I have little choice but when we lived at our other house, I belonged to the gym. I would go early for an eight o'clock aerobics class and they had onsite day care so I could leave the kids w/ someone while I worked out and 're-charged'. It was beyond helpful! Now,,I work out at home because of our rural location but I love being at home so it's not that big a deal for me...and since the kids are older, it's not near the stress it used to me.

Hang in there! You'll make it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought I was reading about my wife there for a minute! Change a few locations and the names around, and it sounds just like a couple stories Carreen's told me in recent weeks trying to take both kids to the store.

I'd love to offer advice, but it's still a work in progress for us too! LOL!