Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Banishing the BaBa

Since Ava was almost two and way to attached to a bottle (baba to her) needing it first thing in the morning, during any stressful time, to go to sleep, and any other time during the day, it had to go. Pediatricians recommend that babies are off of a bottle by the time they are one, so we are a little behind. Don't get me wrong, I tried when she was about a year old. She did very well. I don't know when or how the set back occurred, but it did and how. Yes, I realize that this is my own fault for giving in to her screaming fits for one, so I could have a few moments of peace. My compliance just made her more addicted and unable to cope without it. One day, I decided that enough was enough. She wasn't eating well because she was always full from milk. I though we were going to have to find a Baby Bottles Anonymous support group or go through rehab to get her off. But no. She has done remarkably well. I told her we gave her bottles to the tiny little babies (she Loves babies) that needed them. I really gave them to the trash can. Except for one emergency one. The first few mornings were the worst. Every morning she gets up, she cries for a bottle and her lovey, she takes them and lays in the living room floor and watches a cartoon. Well, until last week, she now asks for a bottle, I tell her they are gone and she cries for a little while, declines her sippy cup of milk, sometimes very angrily, and finally comes to grips with it again that they are gone, and accepts the sippy cup. Last night she even asked for a sippy cup after of course she asked for a bottle and I told her they were gone. It has been 10 days since her last bottle. Hopefully we are home free. Now if we could just get Colton off the paci.


Brooke said...

Ha ha!! That's great! "I really gave them to the trash can" LOL!

Heather said...

Today is not going so well. Ava saw the emergency bottle and screamed until she got it. She has literally been holding on to it ALL day! She is thinking, "I am not giving this bottle to any stupid little baby, get your own!".

Tina said...

OH dear.

Colton is still on the paci? Goodness.

I don't blame AVa. Surely the whiney babies don't need all of the bottles! Ha Ha. I'm an enabler.

jewlover2 said...

Yeah, sometimes you gotta just go cold turkey w/ that stuff.

At least you CAN throw it out. I have no such luck w/ my boobies. If Victor so much as sees me when he's sleepy, there is no chance of my getting away w/out his latching on like a little pup.

jewlover2 said...

missing you, Heddo!

jewlover2 said...

pbthhhht. Is this thing on? Testing...testing...:D

Brooke said...

You can do eeeeet! You can post again! You can do eeeeet alllll night long!

Tina said...

I'm back. I demand that you return also.
