Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Random Ramblings

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted. I guess there just hasn't been too much excitement. Well, Heath and I went to NY without the kids. That was pretty major. It was really great. We got to stay at Bethel, at 90 Sands. Our room was amazing and it overlooked the Brooklyn Bridge. We ate at awesome restaurants, rode the subways, and walked until I thought my feet would fall off, and got to spend time with our close friends there.

Last night we went to Walmart for groceries. As if a trip to Walmart for a weeks worth of groceries is not stressful enough, they were remodeling. Not only did it smell like a poopy diaper (I kept checking to see if it was Ava, it wasn't), but nothing was where it was, and things I had come for (i.e. Cottage Cheese) they did not have. The deli was closed, the bakery was closed, the towels and other housewares are now outside in the garden area. Who wants to go out there in 100 degree weather.

Ava who doesn't tend to eat food too often, decided the other day that she would try poop. She got a dirty diaper out of the trash, opened it, and took a little bite, spit it out, and started gagging and saying YUCK! How exactly do children make it to adulthood? She is a handfull. Much more curious and into things than Colton ever was.

Colton was so funny yesterday. He loves to roll his window down and try to make truck drivers honk. Yesterday on our way home, he got the long haired trucker to honk. Heath told him it was nice of the man to honk for him. Colton replied, "Dad, that was not a man, it was a lady man." At least the man could not hear him. Unlike the old man that is always at the only restaurant that serves breakfast here. He has a microphone that he puts to his throat to talk (not sure what that's called). The first time Colton heard him, he told Heath, "Oh my goodness Dad, there is a robot in here". This is a tiny place and he is very loud. Heath- "Shhh, he's not a robot". Colton- "Dad, yes he is a robot, I see him, he is right there (pointing), he is a robot". I think Heath forgot to talk to him about it because the next time they went, he was there again. Colton- "Oh my goodness dad, the robot is here again".

I can't think of anything else too exciting.


jewlover2 said...

Well, that was exciting enough, I must say. I enjoyed your stories very much and can identify with it so well! Kids say things sometimes that make me laugh from the sheer embarassment of it all. In Wal Mart a couple of weeks ago, I had all three boys with me and we passed a lady w/ a baby in her cart also. She said something about us trading babies (her's was crying and Victor was not) and Nathan said " I don't want that baby, mommy. That's an ugly baby." LOL I felt awful but I still laughed.

It sounds like ya'll had a wonderful time in NY. I'd love to go back and visit, myself. It's a very cool place. And so awesome that you got to stay at Bethel!

Kiss those funny babies for me!

Brooke said...


Tina said...

Oh my gosh! I just spit tea all over myself.

I miss you guys!!!! :(

Hey we should shoot for coming up last week of October or First of November?

Toss it around and I'll write it on the handy calender. I got get my Heddo fix.