Sunday, June 24, 2007


A few days ago, I ran an ad in the paper to give my dogs away. Bart I've had since he was 5 wks old. He is 10 years old now. And Daisy we had since she was a pup and she is 5. After no less than 50 calls, Daisy got a new home today. An older couple took her that live on a farm. She will be with another lab and will live in a barn and get to run. It was still very sad seeing her go. Even though I think good people got her and it has to be better than living in a small pen in the back yard, I still cried as she rode away. I don't think I can let Bart go. We brought him in and gave him a bath. We are going to try him inside again. I got so many calls on him. Everyone wanted a free Min Pin even if he was an old man. It's been a sad month pet wise. Our cat died and Daisy got a new home.


jewlover2 said...

It's very sad to let a pet that you are close to go. I purposely have stayed a bit distant from my animals for some time because I just don't want to get emotional if something happens. Against my will, I found myself getting very attached to a dog in our old neighborhood-a lab/blue heeler mix named Roscoe. I adored that dog and yes, I cried when they took him away (his family moved).

Tina said...

Oh MY! That is terrible! What happened to Harley?
I'm glad you guys found a good home for Daisy. You all did a good thing. So many people would have just had her put to sleep or something to avoid the trouble!

Heather said...

We went camping the first part of April and he ran outside before we left. It got down into the teens that weekend. When we got home he wasn't here. A couple weeks later, a man down the street came by and told us Harley was at his house. I went and got him and he went right back to their house. The guy came back a little while later and said they had taken him to the vet because he was so thin. He came back a few days later to tell us that the tests came back and he had a liver disease and wasn't going to live. We could either have him put to sleep or they would just keep him until he died (they were attached to him). I went a week later to see him, and he had died the day after he had come to tell us the test results. They had him cremated and told me since I was so sad that I could go and pick up his ashes. Who had a cat cremated? Better yet, who would want to keep a cat's ashes? Good lord people. Yes, I loved my cat, but I think a little spot in the back yard would have been just fine.

Anonymous said...

What a bummer! We've lost a couple pets, and had to leave others when we moved. It's never fun.

Brooke said...

Poor poor Harley! That's awful! He did always seem a bit sickly though. Poor little man. Losing pets is the pits.....Seriously. Hate. It.

jewlover2 said...

Wah! I miss my blog-buddies. :(

Heather said...

I know Ashley, It's been a really long time. When I get back from the convention I'll do a new post.

jewlover2 said...

C'mon Heddo! Make a little trip to Memphis this weekend, why dontcha???

Heh heh...just kidding (sort of). We'll be thinking of you!

Heather said...

I wish so badly that I could come. I don't even think I'll have your gift finished in time to send it so you can open it at your shower. I was going to work on it today but now I don't know if I'll have time. I may just have to get your address again and send it to ya that way. I'm so sorry.

jewlover2 said... heck w/ the gift, I wanna see the Heddo!

Just kidding, I will love whatever you send and WHENEVER you send it. Don't feel you have to rush.

Love ya,
