Thursday, March 29, 2007

Initiation Into Motherhood

Yesterday evening was so nice that despite all of us having colds we decided to play outside in the back yard. Heath was up on the hill with Ava and Colton and I took Bart out of his cage to let him play. I was walking Bart around the yard on his leash. Colton comes running up to me holding a dandelion (the seed ones that you blow) so I bend down to his level to remind him what to do. I then notice that he is gagging. He evidently remembered from last year that you do something with these but didn't quite remember and he inhaled instead of blowing out. He had the seeds all over his tongue. This boy goes nuts when a hair is in his mouth and freaks out. The seeds were no different. I told him to stick out his tongue so I could wipe it off with his shirt. I didn't get the words out of my mouth and he threw up all over me. This is the first time I have been puked on by one of my kids. Now I can't count the number of times I've been spit up on but actual throw up, this was a first. I felt sorry for the neighbor guy who was eating his dinner outside and saw the whole thing.


jewlover2 said...

Being thrown up on is definitely a very demeaning thing...I have had it happen to me a couple of times. Both my kids have sensitive gag reflexes (especially Johnson) and throw up sometimes even when they're not sick. It comes w/ the territory.

My mom has this hilarious friend named Deborah Davidson and when I was a little girl, I remember her walking into our house after being thrown up on. Her daughter was about six at the time and had gotten car-sick all over Deborah's nice new fancy dress she was wearing to dinner. The funny thing was that she walked in modeling the puke-stain like it was part of the dress and she was on the cat-walk. My mom and I were rolling and it made a favorable impression of motherhood on me, I think. Keeping your chin up in the face of Ha.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh....I'm a sympathetic vomiter, and the one time my oldest did a full vomit on me, I also started to vomit. Making it even worse was that we were at someone else's house! Fortunately, I was able to maintain until I could purge in private, but it was nasty!

It really is an initiation!

Tina said...

Um...that is gross if it happens to you or if you witness it. But to read about it is friggin hilarious. LOL.

Sorry you got puked on though.