Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Babes, Bags, and Bed Bugs

This past weekend I along with 13 other girls from our congregation took a girls only trip to St. Louie. It is the first time I have done anything like this since having my babies. A very sweet sister kept Ava for me so I could go. And Heath kept the Bean.

We left around 8:00 AM on Friday since the stores open at 10:00. We shopped all day and then had dinner and shopped some more afterwards. Then we went to Embassy Suites where we had 4 rooms. At about midnight we had security called on us. So we went to one of the other rooms to continue our party. When the girls sleeping in that room were ready to go to bed we all went back to our room. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. It was a blast. This is a crazy bunch! We finally went to sleep at 3:00 AM.

We got up at 8:00 the next morning and the girls from the room we went to when we had security called on us were complaining about there being ticks in their beds. They said that they moved really fast though. I had recently read an article on bed bugs and this is exactly what they were. It said that most people mistake them for ticks. They have become increasingly popular in the US again because of international travel and the ban of a pesticide that had eliminated them pretty much from here. They are horrible little critters that feed on your blood while you are sleeping. They first inject into you something in their bodies where you don't feel them biting. Many times you take them or their sticky little eggs, home on your luggage without knowing it and then you have them in your home. They are extremely difficult to get rid of. Ever since I read that article I have been so phobic about them. Since I found out they were in that room, I have not been able to sleep. I will never stay there again and absolutly dread staying in a hotel again. And hooray, the one we are staying in for Circuit Assembly and District Convention is right across the street. I will not sleep until I do a thorough check of the mattresses. I am so OCD when it comes to bugs.

We had breakfast and then shopped some more. Then it was back home.

Other than the bed bugs, our trip was a blast. I got to know some sisters better that I didn't know very well, and just had a great time with the ones I know well. I came back with lots of bags of loot (mostly for Colton and Ava) and lots of memories that I will never forget. I hope we can do it again soon.


jewlover2 said...

Sounds like a hoot! We have got to do that some time!

I can't believe that about the bed-bugs. I'mbringing lysol and a can of raid w/ me to my hotel for the convention and in Vegas...

Tina said...

OOOooo!!! Shopping in St. Louis.
I love that city.

Sounds like a sweet time. Glad you got a break.