Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday Update

Ok, so I think I'm giving up on my weekly post on my weight loss because I am doing so terribly on sticking to any kind of healthy eating plan. I try hard during the week and then on the weekends it is always blown. If we would actually join the gym instead of talking about it, perhaps I would feel a little more motivated.

We had nice weekend. We hired a sister from our hall to babysit on Saturday night. It's the first time we have been out together in a really long time. And the first time anyone besides family has watched our kids. We went to a really cool place here called Royal N'Orleans. It's very good and a really nice place. We handed over the babies at 5:00, had dinner and went to Barnes and Noble to check out some house plan books. By 8:30 we were so beat, we had to go home. We had the babysitter until 10:00, but I guess we are too old to hang out that late. We went to a Superbowl Party last night at some friend's house. It was almost like having a babysitter again. Most of our congregation was there and they all are very helpful with the kids.

Colton picked out a new fish, a new, "Charie", this week at Walmart. That stupid fish is already dead! Flushed him this morning. He must have been sick to begin with, or maybe it was the gummy fruit snack Colton put in his bowl for him. But I think this is the last of the fish. At least the Beta fish. Maybe I will purchase an $.18 goldfish next time for him.

I think Ava may be better. It is so hard to tell. She still has a cough and runny nose but not a cough like it was. They said it usually only lasts a week. She has been sick for over 3 weeks.


Brooke said...

Oooooooooh! You're new layout is bootyfull! Lerve it! And what's up with fish? It's so weird how some can last for three million years and then "replacement fish" can croak so soon! Makes me miss my little fish and wonder how long he would have lived if I hadn't asked mom to feed him for me while I was out of town. (She uh, dumped the whole container of food in his bowl accidentally and didn't notice) I had had that fish forever! And he was so cute. He would go to the top of his bowl and make kissy noises when he wanted to be fed. Ahhh! So sad!

Anyways, glad ya'll got to go out on a date(even if it wasn't a late one ;) ). I can't believe ya'll haven't hit up that sweet gym/babysitting offer yet! That would be so cool for ya'll. And once again, I hate diets. They are just so hard. :( I just can't motivate myself to stick to one at all. It's horrible. Oh! And that is sooo cool how the cong. helps ya'll out with the kids. Sweet! Not a very exciting Superbowl game though was it?? And the commercials weren't even that good. :( Here, mom and dad fed the speaker and the whole bookstudy helped out. Yikes. It was just too many people. I would have preferred just having the speaker, his family, Coopers, Julie, Greg, Hunter's and Todd. That would have been a nice group. Haha, no offense to our bookstudy(whoops) hehe

Glad to hear Ava is finally feeling better. Stinks though that she's been sick so long! There's so much nastiness going around.... Poor little monkey :(

We need to come see ya'll again soon- so much to gossip about! hehe....

Heather said...

I hope y'all can come up soon. I miss y'all so much. I didn't see any of the Superbowl except a very small part of Prince performing. We played cards and just hung out and ate gobs of food while the guys and ladies who are into "the foozball" watched upstairs. They always have tons of yummy stuff to munch on at their parties. It was such a good time. Of course when we are all together it always is. Have I mentioned how much I love our congregation? It truly is just like family. Without the drama that is.

jewlover2 said...

At least you're just having problems w/ fish. We can't seem to keep a cat around! Albert has disappeared! We put him back in the basement the other day and noticed the next day that we never heard him meowing to be let out. Well, we have searched the basement hi and lo and cannot find him anywhere! I'm so afraid I'm gonna run across a dead kitty somewhere but right now it's looking like he found a way out and just ran away. I think we are going to find a grown female cat next time...if there is one.

Remember my post a year or so ago about how I knew I was getting older? Well, the inablity to keep late hours was definitely one of the symptoms. Not only do I hate being out late but I have found that the people out at that time are a whole other species. I call them the 'latenight lunatics' and they annoy me no end! Other than going to see a great band on occasion, I prefer afternoon dates.

I'm so glad you are close to your congreation. That's so important! I love mine too. I really feel disconnected right now though. We've had about three weeks of sickness now and have missed a bunch of meetings. Sigh. Oh for some warm weather. Except then there's allergies...yikes.

jewlover2 said...

At least you're just having problems w/ fish. We can't seem to keep a cat around! Albert has disappeared! We put him back in the basement the other day and noticed the next day that we never heard him meowing to be let out. Well, we have searched the basement hi and lo and cannot find him anywhere! I'm so afraid I'm gonna run across a dead kitty somewhere but right now it's looking like he found a way out and just ran away. I think we are going to find a grown female cat next time...if there is one.

Remember my post a year or so ago about how I knew I was getting older? Well, the inablity to keep late hours was definitely one of the symptoms. Not only do I hate being out late but I have found that the people out at that time are a whole other species. I call them the 'latenight lunatics' and they annoy me no end! Other than going to see a great band on occasion, I prefer afternoon dates.

I'm so glad you are close to your congreation. That's so important! I love mine too. I really feel disconnected right now though. We've had about three weeks of sickness now and have missed a bunch of meetings. Sigh. Oh for some warm weather. Except then there's allergies...yikes.

Tina said...

Poor fish. Those beta fish are strange. They either last forever or kick it in two days.

Yes we need to come up soon. I need a mini vacay!!

I'm glad you guys found someone at your hall to keep the chilis.

What are you guys doing this weekend?

Heather said...

A- I'm so sorry about Albert. That has to be very puzzling. I like you would be worrying about finding a dead cat. That would really freak me out. I hope y'all are feeling better soon.

T- Saturday night we are going to a Turkey Banquet with the Milams. It's a thing for Turkey hunters. It's going to be great I'm sure. The only reason I'm even going is to be with Amy and Lexie. The next weekend I can't think of anything we have going. Of course you could always go to the turkey banquet too. It's sure to be a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Love the new look!

Poor fish...we keep bouncing back and forth about getting a cat again. Carreen wants the kids to be around animals, I'm just tired of the extra work I know it brings. The kids are enough work, and now my Ava doesn't want a cat, she wants a dog. I wonder where she got that idea.......

I hope you all get to feeling better, especially your little Ava. I never knew how much sickness a family could get until you start having kids! I've never missed so many meetings in my life!

Yup, the Hunters Superbowl party was like a mosh pit, complete with Brooke trying to beat me up! I saw like 15 minutes of game, most of the Prince halftime show, and three commercials but at least the ones I saw were pretty good. And the food was AWESOME!

Heather said...

Isn't it the truth. We never missed so many meetings either. If one person gets something we all do. And by the time it gets through us all, something else comes around. I am so looking forward to warmer weather and the less sickness it brings.

rhelea said...

Hopefully you'll "be up in the gym just working on your fitness". I can't wait to start working out with you! Even if it means joining without Heath. What is he going to do when both you & Omar are there, maybe join huh.