Monday, January 15, 2007

Second Weigh In

So I still weigh the exact same as when I started this program. I did good all week but the weekend I did not do well at all. Tina and Brooke were here. Who wants to diet when you are having so much fun with them. I guess at least I didn't gain.

We are going to join the gym though. I am so excited because Heath is going to join with me and there is a great child care program there so we will get a few hours a week to ourselves. A lot of our friends belong there too and go to a body pump class 3 times a week, so we are going to try that too. Surely the diet along with working out 3 times a week, I will lose weight. I think I will be more motivated because it will be a little time without the kids. Something I have not had for 2.5 years, time to myself. Hooray!

I lost my keys this weekend. We went to Outback and I know I had them there and driving there was the last time I used them. I've called Outback numerous times to no avail. My car key is going to cost $100 to replace and my safe deposit box key $50. It makes me sick that I can't find them. I'm sure Heath is going to be thrilled when I tell him how much they are going to be to replace.

I noticed this morning that Colton's Beta fish, "Charlie", is dying. I told him that Charlie was very sick and was going to die and when he did we are going to have to flush him down the potty. He said, "Coco tell Charie sompin, Charie don't cry". It was very sweet and very sad, even though his next words were, "get new one".


jewlover2 said...

Awww so sad about that fish. It's funny how kids get attatched to them isnt it? Johnson had one named Otto tht got HUGE and was outgrowing it's bowl (it was a goldfish) but it too eventually died.

Sounds like you're very motivated w/ your program. The gym will help alot. I 'm so glad ya'll are going to do it. The kids will love the daycare probably...mine did.

Tina said...

Ummm...that brought a bit of a lump in my throat. I am glad Colton is resilient, though. :) Sweet boy.

Brooke said...

Awwwwww sweet little CoCo.Poor Charlie...he was a good fish. :( We had a hoot with ya'll by the way. And once my stupid camera finally decided to work,(is the camera stupid or the photographer???hmmmmm) I got some really nice shots of you and Ava. And the one of Colton and Ava turned out really sweet. I'll have to send them to you. I need to bring more film (color and black and white) next time I come, and I can shoot some more. :)