Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ok, so I'm a day late posting my progress or lack there of. This week my weight stayed the same. Which is quite amazing since I did horrible on sticking with any kind of plan.

Saturday night Ava coughed all night long. She couldn't even catch her breath between coughing. I called her doctor Sunday morning and he said to take her to the ER that it sounded like she may possibly have RSV. I didn't think she did because she had already been sick for 2 weeks and I had taken her to see him a week before and they checked then for RSV and it was negative. After waiting hours in the ER the test came back positive. They prescribed some meds for her and told me to use a vaporizer in the room. They told me she should be fine and it is most serious if the baby is under 2 months old and in the elderly. I must mention the hospital gown, which was the cutest and tiniest thing ever. It was white with pink elephants, dinosaurs, and whales and it said SOOOO Big. She looked adorable in it despite being so ill. She seemed to do better yesterday but last night was horrible. I did not make it to bed until 6:00 this morning and I was awakened at 8:00 by Colton putting stickers all over my arms and head. I did doze a little while I was holding her on the couch all night, but she started crying all over again every time her paci would fall out of her mouth.


Tina said...


1 - You are allowed to slack considering all of this terrible sick baby business.

2 - Colton is to funny.

3 - Poor poor little Ava. I hope tonight is better for you guys. Goodness!

jewlover2 said...

Oooooh, poor Ava!
I'm so sorry for you! I have no experience w/ that illness but I have a friend whose little boy got it and I know it can be ver serious when they're extremely young so I'm especially happy she's gonna be okay. The hospital gown sounds precious! I'm glad there was a silver lining to the hospital visit. Yikes.

Get some sleep. I wish I was there to watch your babies for you so that you could take a nice long beauty nap. Kiss yourself for me!

Brooke said...

:( !!!!! Poor Ava! Poor you! I'm so sorry! That's awful.... Hope you get some sleep and Ava gets better. Love you so much - and those babies. :)