Friday, December 08, 2006

To Be Rich

I was thinking how nice it would be to be rich. Not that I want a big house, designer clothes, or a fancy car. What I would like is a nanny to watch the baby at night and a personal maid for Colton. After my day yesterday I am doubting my ability to care for two children at one time. Especially with one of them being in the terrible twos stage.
This was my part of my day yesterday...
Colton was being quiet so I went to check on him and he had gotten into the pantry and poured out an entire container of dry bread crumbs and he was spreading them all over the floor. I got a phone call so I couldn't clean them right away. Next thing I know he is into the container of oatmeal. Before I could get any of it cleaned up, he got into the closet that I keep cleaning supplies in which has a door knob cover that is suppose to be child proof, and he had a spray bottle of fabric refresher spraying it onto the bread crumbs. He also had plastic cups spread out among the crumbs and when I came around the corner he took a drink out of one of the cups and started gagging. That's when I saw the fabric refresher and noticed that he had sprayed it into the cup and that's what he drank. I frantically called poison control, who's number is as etched into my brain as 911 because of calling it so often. While on the phone to poison control he got into the same closet and got yellow craft paint and as I was yelling NO, he opened it and poured it onto the floor. Thank goodness I have hardwood floors. Today my day is already starting out much the same. He has already poured coffee grounds onto the floor. Just when I think I can't take anymore he does something incredibly cute or sweet. We were reading the Bible Story about Jonah and I asked him what ate Jonah and he said, "tyrannosaurus rex".


jewlover2 said...

Awwww, he was trying to clean up the bread crumbs w/ the fabric refresher! That may have been hectic but it's so cute to read!

You know those packs in shoes and stuff that say 'DO NOT EAT'? Well I had just gotten some new shoes in the mail and was on the phone w/ my stepmother when I realized Nathan had opened that little pack and was eating it! I FREAKED OUT! But when I called the poison control center, she laughed and said that is the most rediculous warning because those little silicon balls dont even break down in the system. They just pass right through. Whew.
Oh! And the other day I was taking a shower the other day like always, prior to taking Johnson to school. I had left the kids in the kitchen eating but when I came back into the room, Nathan had emptied the milk from his cereal bowl onto his tray and proceeded to smack at it as HARD as he could w/ his hands so that the sugary milk was scattered to the FAR corners of the kitchen. I had about ten minutes before I had to take Johnson to school but as you know you just can't leave milk on the floor and walls or it is impossible to clean! Needless to say, I was loud mean mommy that morning.

I don't mean to wear you thin w/ personal stories but it sure feels good not to be going thru them alone! Thanks for your blog!

Heather said...

I am happy to know that I am not alone and also the tip about those little packs. I thought you would die if you ate those for sure, the way they word it on the packages.

It is amazing what kids eat. Colton is so incredibly picky lately. Bananas last week were one of his favorite foods, this week they all of a sudden are too spicy. Go figure, I never knew bananas were spicy at all. But he will eat anything on the floor and drink any kind of liquid, as long as it isn't water anyway. He has drank dishwasher detergent, dish soap, shampoo, shower gel, and of course the fabric refresher, sucked on a bleach pen, ate chunks out of a bar of soap, and deoderant. That's all I can think of right now. Thank goodness none of these things are toxic. Just perhaps bothersome to the mouth and they have said every time to wipe his mouth out and give him milk. Sheesh!!

Brooke said...

Heeheeheehee..... I know you must have been scared to death to have to call poison control AGAIN. What a little stinkweed. Maybe with all the stuff he's eating, he's just trying to let you know his innards are dirty. Haha.. Poor Heddo.

How informative about those little packets by the way!!!! Who knew???? Now I know I'm safe and can resume eating them. Lol

Y'all's stories really crack me up. :)

Tina said...

What a mess!
I love the t-rex story though. So sweet.
It amazes me the quickness these little ones have.
And yes, that is very informative about the silicon balls.
When Colton finds a way to eat those in the future, at least you won't be as upset.