Monday, October 16, 2006

Losing My Mind & My Cell Phone

We spent the weekend in the city. I needed to get some things there for the baby that I can't get here in my smallish town. It was exhausting. I literally shopped all weekend. From Friday to Sunday. I have never been so tired of malls in my life. A 9 month pregnant woman walking for miles through malls is not a pretty sight and needless to say not very comfortable either. Especially with my back aching and gravity not on my side. My friend offered to push me around in a wheelchair. I opted to just sit some stores out.

Yesterday while I was sitting a store out, Colton and I were playing with my cell phone. He was calling Daddy, John Deere, and Thomas Tank, well playing like he was, then they wanted to talk to mommy. Between the bench and the end of the mall the phone was gone. Of course I did not notice until we went to a couple more stores away from the mall. So back to the mall we went and retaced every step and asked at every store I had been in. No phone. I called this morning and no phone. I am sick over this. A replacement is at the cheapest $150. So, I've been looking on eBay. Yes, I am still an eBayer even after my previous post.

I have got so much to do before the baby gets here. It is overwhelming. Mostly nursery things. I have not even packed for the hospital yet. Heath still has to finish painting the crib, changing table, rocker, toy box, and small table. All of these are keeping me from finishing the nursery. I have more clothes to wash. General house cleaning. My sister in law is having a shower for Ava on Saturday. I've been trying to get meals prepared and frozen for after she is born.

When I went for my ultrasound last week the doc said that the baby is measuring small. She is around 5lbs. I'm not sure how big she should be but they are going by percentiles. She should be in at least the 10th and she is in the 9th. Not too far off but far enough that they are going to do a series of tests this Friday to make sure that everything is fine. She may just genetically small or there is a slight possibility that the placenta is not working properly and she is not getting the nourishment needed, if that is the case, they will go ahead and induce. So I may have less than a week to get everything done. But of course it is pouring rain today so another day will go by without everything getting painted. Tomorrow is meeting night so the earliest will be Wednesday, then it will need to sit out so it can air out. Hopefully it can be in there by the end of the week. Who knows?


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Poor Heddo! Maybe if you still have tons to do when we get there, we can help you with some of it. :) I'm so glad I get to see ya'll this weekend. I hope you and Ava are ok. Love you!!!!
Oh yeah! I hope you find a cheap replacement phone on EBay. That totally stinks. :(

Heather said...

What I really need is the Laundry Beast. I may need her help. Although maybe I'll have it caught up by the time y'all get here. I am sure though that I'll need lots of help getting things put away after the shower.

jewlover2 said...

I'm so excited for you. I am sure everything is fine. Johnson measured 'small' according to their calculations a week before he was born and he was 7 1bs. 9 oz. Go figure.

yay Ava!

Anonymous said...

Oh you know she will probably be more than willing to help out with that.(what a freak) Just so long as she doesn't fall down the stairs and injure yet another body part. Haha.... And we will definitely help with putting up the stuff from the shower. Really can't wait to see you this weekend. :)