Monday, July 24, 2006

My New Niece

I was very excited yesterday when my brother-in-law called to tell us that his wife was in labor. Since the hospital is a couple of hours from our home we went today. She is such a cute little girl. She seemed like the tiniest thing I've ever held. My baby was smaller by a little, but I hardly remember that. She weighed 6lb 8oz, I think. She looks so much like her other aunt, her mom's younger sister (not that I expected her to look like me, since she is my husband's brother's baby). It's funny how you see different people in babies. I think my boy looks just like his dad. Every once in a while I see someone in my family in him. He was very sweet with the baby and wanted to hold her the whole time. I was very happy about this. I have been very worried about him with babies for a few months now. When he sees a baby, he says, "baby, hit", and acts like he is going to hit them. I've told him countless times, "we do not hit babies, we hug babies". Just as I thought it was getting through to him, he hit a 4 month old at a graduation party and a little girl in a stroller at Old Navy, I don't think the babies even knew because it was more of a pat, but talk about embarassing. Those situations were a couple of months ago and I've found that if I ignore him when he says hit, and he hasn't been close to any babies either, he will eventually stop. I just say, "Oh, you're right there is a little baby, what a sweet baby". I think he does it to get a reaction out of me, I really do. We have been in close contact with 3 babies over the last month and he has been great with them. Which has made me feel much better and I think confirmed my theory. I think he will be a good big brother, and for now a good older cousin.


Anonymous said...

So you're saying you think she looks like Shawn? Or did I get that confused? I'm a durrrr. What a little bitty thing she must be by the way. 6 something lbs?? I was a porker when I was born. Course' I guess you know that already. :) That's so cool about Colton. I'm sure he will be good with Ava. Somewhat hilarious about him saying, " baby, hit" by the way. What a bad little stinker.;) I can't wait to meet that little bun!!!! :D Ok, love you.

Heather said...

No, I think she looks just like Aid. Same eyes. She is precious. It's very odd that this little girl looks like her mom's side of the family and my little man looks just like his dads. I guess that goes to show that those genes aren't too dominant like we had thought.

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