Friday, July 28, 2006

Scents & Memories

Before my trip to Mexico last January, I went to Bath & Body Works and bought a scent that I had never worn before to strictly wear while in Mexico. A dear friend of mine gave me the idea. She has a cousin that goes to BBW before a special trip and gets a "trip" fragrance, when she gets back and smells the scent again she is reminded of her trip. I have to say that this has been a wonderful idea. I bought White Tea & Ginger, the whole line since it's being discontinued (of course!) I even bought the hand soap and sanitizer. Every time I wash my hands upstairs I am immediatly transported to Mexico. I am walking the streets of Playa Del Carmen with a big cup of fruit checking out the vendors goods. I am lying on the beach with a drink in my hand listening to the waves hit the shore. I am walking in the cool evening air down one of the beautifully landscaped paths. I am sitting in the rain at Xel Ha sipping a Cafe Con Leche. There will never be another trip like the Mexico trip and it will forever be with me and I will always long to be there again, on the same trip, with the same people, at the same time, to relive it again.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhh, Mexico, how I love and miss thee..... I think that scent thing is awesome by the way. I did that the last time we went to New York. I wore Hanae Morie for the first time and it's kinda expensive so I can't bring myself to buy any more. But every time I sprayed it on,when I did have it, I was back in New York. Crazy how that works.I bet it would REALLY do that to me now after having not smelled it for so long. -----Must buy more Hanae Morie------
Can't wait to you see you, the gang, and that ever growing bun! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Mexico, Mexico, Mexico! Everyday I think of Mexico, EVERYDAY! Okay so now I am repeating myself. What a wonderful trip with wonderful friends. When looking back at the pictures some of my favorite ones are our last day on the beach with the girls & Colton's muscles on the lazy river.

jewlover2 said...

I do that too! Summer Hill by Crabtree and Evelyn is still the smell that I associate with my honeymoon at Disneyworld.

By the way Heddo, you've been TAGGED!

Read my latest blog entry for 'instructions' on your next post.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That was a pretty rockin' trip. I think the stars aligned just perfectly as far as our group and the weather and the magiciness of it all. :) Minus the barfing.....but I guess you can't have too much perfection.
Wish we could be in Minnesota right now w/ O & R and you guys.

Anonymous said...

That was a pretty rockin trip. I don't think we will ever re-create that experience butI've found that magical travel buddies stay magical travel buddies for the most part and every tip with them is always an unforgettable experience. Even the puking is a great story to tell. HA!! Love ya'll. Wish we were in Minnesota w/ O & R & your gang. :(

Anonymous said...

Hey! FYI- I thought that my first comment got deleted or I made another one, now I look a little comment obsessed. HAr HAr