Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bert, Elaine, Baker Smurf, Iron Eagle

Sesame Street Persona Test

Your Score: Bert

You scored 89% Organization, 51% abstract, and 59% extroverted!

This test measured 3 variables.

First, this test measured how organized you are. Some muppets like Cookie Monster make big messes, while others like Bert are quite anal about things being clean.

Second, this test measured if you prefer a concrete or an abstract viewpoint. For the purposes of this test, concrete people are considered to gravitate more to mathematical and logical approaches, whereas abstract people are more the dreamers and artistic type.

Third, this test measured if you are more of an introvert or an extrovert. By definition, an introvert concentrates more on herself and an extrovert focuses more on others. In this test an introvert was somebody that either tends to spend more time alone or thinks more about herself.

You are very organized, both concrete and abstract, and both introverted and extroverted.

Here is why are you Bert.

You are both very organized. You almost always know where your belongings are and you prefer things neat. You may even enjoy cleaning and find it therapeutic. Bert is a big neat freak and gets quite annoyed when Ernie makes a big mess.

You both are sometimes concrete and sometimes abstract thinkers. Bert is probably a bit more concrete in his bottlecap collecting addiction and his love of the weather. He does show his abstract side when he sings and performs his "Doin' The Pidgeon" song. You have a good balance in your life. You know when to be logical at times, but you also aren't afraid to explore your dreams and desires... within limits of course.

You are both somewhat introverted. Bert is probably more introverted, because he spends most of his time either with Ernie or alone. Still he has no problem being around other people in his role as chairman of "The National Association of 'W' Lovers." Like Bert, you probably like to have some time to yourself, but you do appreciate spending time with your friends, and you aren't scared of social situations.

The other possible characters are
Oscar the Grouch
Big Bird
Kermit the Frog
Cookie Monster
Guy Smiley
The Count

The Your Seinfeld Identity Test

Your Score: Elaine

You scored 22% Harsh, 52% Kavorka, 21% Sarcastic

This test measured 3 variables.

First it measured how harsh you were. By harshness I don't mean whether I think you are going to kill somebody, but whether you are a lollipop and happiness person, or a "shit happens" type of person.

Second it measured how much Kavorka you have. Technically Kavorka is the Latvian word for "the lure of the animal." According to Seinfeld at least. In my test it measured your ability to lure men or women and to a lesser degree how social you are.

Third it measured how sarcastic/cynical you are. Some characters like Jerry are very sarcastic while the Soup Nazi is much less so. It can be difficult to accurately measure sarcasm in a written test.

You scored low in harshness, medium in Kavorka, and low in sarcasm. In other words you are a pretty normal friendly person. You aren't mean to others, and you have a cheery attitude. You also have a tad of Kavorka in you. You can't get anybody you want, but you do have some appeal.

I bet you are thinking, why Elaine? It was tough to find a major character that fit you. Elaine isn't able to get any guy she wants, but she does have her shiksa appeal. While Elaine can get nasty at times, you are both mostly gentle people.

You may not surround yourself with only men, and you might be able to keep a normal job, but are Elaine.

The Smurf Personality Test

Your Score: Baker Smurf

You are 66 % Action Driven, 78% Interpersonal, 82% Street Smart, and 70% Artistic

This test measured 4 variables.

First, this test measured if you place a higher value on words or actions. Both have their own advantages. For instance a skilled negotiator and a skilled firefighter both save lives.

Second, this test compared your intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences. Simply put intrapersonal intelligence means you understand yourself, while interpersonal intelligence means you understand others.

Third, this test measured if you are more book smart or street smart. Book smart people may be more interested in a variety of topics, while street smart people focus on the most relevant information. Smurfette is very street smart, while Poet Smurf is not.

Fourth, this test measured if you prefer an artistic or functional approach to life. Artistic people may concentrate more on details and ambiance, while functional people focus on if it works. In this case Vanity Smurf would be considered Artistic while Hefty Smurf just wants to lift stuff up.

You are more action driven, more interpersonal, more street smart, and more artistic.

Congratulations, you are Baker Smurf! Let's find out why.

The master of culinary inventions, Baker Smurf is a smurf of action. He enjoys creating masterpieces for others to eat. Too bad Greedy Smurf is always trying to steal them. Like Baker Smurf you are not the type to just sit around. Baker Smurf knows his talent in life. Your high intrapersonal intelligence score suggests you also know your own strengths and desires.

Your high street smarts score suggests you are comfortable in new situations. Baker Smurf could create his dishes anywhere, as long as the proper ingredients are around. Of course art and beauty is very important to Tailor Smurf. A true chef, he knows that good food is not only about taste. You also seem to appreciate art, creativity and design.

The 16 possible smurf categories are...

Lazy Smurf, Slouchy Smurfling, Hefty Smurf, Papa Smurf, Jokey Smurf, Grouchy Smurf, Sassette Smurfling, Grandpa Smurf, Handy Smurf, Dreamy Smurf, Painter Smurf, Poet Smurf, Baker Smurf, Vanity Smurf, Smurfette, Tailor Smurf

Which 80's Action Flick Are You

Your Score: Iron Eagle

You scored 37% Justice, 28% American Way, and 54% Truth!

Break the sound barrier. Break the speed barrier.

There's really not very much about you that's good. You're derivative; a cheap knockoff. But you do have Larry B. Scott (Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds,) so that has to count for something. Despite all your flaws, somehow you still manage to rock.


Anonymous said...

I so have to take these tests!

jewlover2 said...

I was Burt and Elaine too! I didnt take the Action Flick one because there wasnt a link and I didnt take the smurf one because as everyone KNOWS, those things are demonic! LOLLOLOLOLOL (actually, I'm just not a smurf fan)

Heather said...

I went back to get the link for the Action Flick and could not find it. That's why there isn't a link for it.

I was a Smurf fan. Despite the rumors of them coming alive at the Kingdom Hall and running out. My uncle even called Bethel and asked about the rumors and they said that they were indeed rumors. Tina, Brooke, and I loved the show, so we kept watching. Did you know they are German? I had no idea until we were in Germany at Epcot, they had a big display in the gift shop. Also didn't know that Monchichi was Japanese. The things you learn at Epcot.

jewlover2 said...

Yes, I know. Actually I did know smurf was German but we always heard it was german for 'demon'. LOL I still can't believe we fell for that bunk! I remember a story about some smurfs coming alive in a daycare on the wallpaper and scratching up babies. Rediculous and morbid, some people can be.

My mom never really believed it I don't think. BUt she made me get rid of my smurf coloring book anyway, just so there would be no discussion about it if someone came over.

jewlover2 said...

Points of smurfy interest: On Wikipeidia it says that the word 'Smurf' is simply the english pronunciation of the made-up french word 'Schtroumpf'. 'Schtroumpf' is pronounced very similarly to the German word, 'strumpf' which means 'sock'. LOL

So it looks as if it actually originated in France. Not sure when Germany adopted it but I noticed that in EPCOT too so I guess they did.

Anonymous said...

Demonic smurfs are the greatest JW urban legend out there. In CA we always heard it that a bro had one in his shirt pocket during a talk and it bit him! LOL! The other story was about the one running up and down the aisles. I could only wish something like that happened when I was 10 years old!

My parents were cool to not fall for the bunk, but we had to ditch the Smurf stuff so as to not offend some of the other friends. We had a few very vocal types that used to come by.

Brooke said...

Your Score!Bert
You scored 89% Organization, 51% abstract, and 59% extroverted

Hmmmmm....I think it switched my organization and extroverted scores

Tina said...


Heather, so funny this comes up. We were at a party the other night, playing uh...crap I can't remember the name of the dumb game, anyway, our team got a Smurf trivia question. We, of course, got it right. And being that it was a rather large wintness gathering much debate ensued. I claimed my smurfs loud and proud, thank you very much.

And, that is SO like my dad to call Bethel. I'm assuming it had to be him. Am I correct?

Heather said...

Yep, it was him. I guess I should have said Roger, instead of my uncle, since everyone that reads my blog knows him.

I wonder how all of those rumors started.

Tina said...

Your Score: Slouchy Smurfling
You are 36 % Action Driven, 78% Interpersonal, 23% Street Smart, and 44% Artistic

Ha HA! Dude! I love the smurf's with the love of one thousand camels.