Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Goin' Back to Cali

Ok, so not exactly in the words of LL Cool J, since I've never been, I can't really "go back". But there isn't a song, "Goin to Cali", hmm, I don't think so.

We decided today to go on a little farewell trip with our close friends who just got accepted to Bethel. We were planning a trip there with them anyway, but since they have to be at their assignment in early July, we had to move it up, A LOT. Now we are leaving in less than a month. We are flying into Sacramento and are going to be spending time in Napa, San Francisco and Vacaville (where they lived for a while). One last adventure together before they go.


jewlover2 said...

That's a lovely idea. Have fun! Buy me a present. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...you're going to some of my old stomping grounds! My sister lived in Vacaville for a couple years, so I'll find out if there's anything cool you need to see. We just sent my parents to the Napa Valley Wine Train, which is nice.

San Francisco is amazing! Alcatraz, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghiradelli Square, Union Square and Japantown are worth seeing. Beware the Castro district, as it's the most homosexual area, and I get the impression your husband doesn't want to be picked up on! I've only driven through the Haight-Ashbury district and it still looks like the Summer of Love!

The food in the city is excellent! Have fun!

Tina said...

That is too COOL!

I've never been to California but I have dreams of doing a road trip that winds its way to that state. Getting my kicks on Route 66 sounds like a good time...

You guys will have a BLAST!

Heather said...

Is Ghiradelli Square perhaps the home of Ghiradelli Chocolate? I am so there! Anyway, after your comment Aaron, I really can't wait to go. I had no idea that was the area you were from. Thanks for the tips, especially the one about the Castro district, Hubby is indeed a bit of a homophobe.

I wonder if your sister knows our friends? We have a good friend that just moved from there not long ago and another friend that lives there now and has for a long time. But I have no idea how big Vacaville is or how many congregations they have. The only thing I know about the town is that they have a Jelly Belly factory outlet that I will definatly be visiting. Belly Flops for everyone.

I'll take lots of pics and y'all can see them when we're all together at the convention.

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed: Ghiradelli Square is the home to Ghiradelli Chocolate! Just remembering the place is making me drool!

I lived and worked about an hour and a half away from S.F. for years, and our district convention was there for years, so I grew quite familiar with the city.

My sis and her husband lived in Vacaville for a couple of years, and this goes back about 3 or 4 years ago, when the Fairfield Assembly Hall was being built. It's all kind of a blur, as our first was being born so we didn't visit them much. Mention Bobby and Heather Swanson to your friends and see if or what kind of reaction you get.

I forgot about the Jelly Belly factory. I never got to tour it!

You all are going to have a GREAT time!

Brooke said...

I can't believe they are going to Bethel! Crazy! I'm glad ya'll all get to go to Cali together before they go. I forsee many trips to NY in our future.....