Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ok, so I'm a day late posting my progress or lack there of. This week my weight stayed the same. Which is quite amazing since I did horrible on sticking with any kind of plan.

Saturday night Ava coughed all night long. She couldn't even catch her breath between coughing. I called her doctor Sunday morning and he said to take her to the ER that it sounded like she may possibly have RSV. I didn't think she did because she had already been sick for 2 weeks and I had taken her to see him a week before and they checked then for RSV and it was negative. After waiting hours in the ER the test came back positive. They prescribed some meds for her and told me to use a vaporizer in the room. They told me she should be fine and it is most serious if the baby is under 2 months old and in the elderly. I must mention the hospital gown, which was the cutest and tiniest thing ever. It was white with pink elephants, dinosaurs, and whales and it said SOOOO Big. She looked adorable in it despite being so ill. She seemed to do better yesterday but last night was horrible. I did not make it to bed until 6:00 this morning and I was awakened at 8:00 by Colton putting stickers all over my arms and head. I did doze a little while I was holding her on the couch all night, but she started crying all over again every time her paci would fall out of her mouth.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I am Superman

I have no idea what has started my son's recent obsession with the Man of Steel. He has never seen Superman movies or shows, so I don't know how he even knows anything about him. Since he began talking about him I was reminded of a garage sale purchase I made for him before he was even born. A Superman shirt complete with a red cape. I pulled it out, and it fit him perfectly. It is now his favorite and he wants to wear it constantly. He runs around the house holding the cape out behind him "flying". He says, "I am Superman", and I think he truly believes he is.

Monday, January 22, 2007

How is This Possible?

I have done horrible on this diet the entire week. I was on it for 2 days. This weekend I ate any and everything I wanted. And I lost 5 pounds! What is up with that? Now I am wondering if I should even go back on it.

Heath and I got to go on a date last night. It's the first time we have been out together in a very long time. We went to one of our favorite restaurants that we never take the kids to because it is a tiny little hole in the wall that isn't big enough to have a non-smoking section. Then we went to a movie. We saw Night at the Museum. I thought it was great. It had a lot of funny parts.

Ava has slept all night for 2 nights in a row. Last night I couldn't get her to go to sleep so she wound up sleeping with us. I don't think we will ever get Colton out and I swore that Ava would not sleep with us. I don't know what to do though when I'm exhausted and the only way she will sleep is to be held. If our house was set up different I could just put her in her crib and let her cry like the doctor recommended.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Second Weigh In

So I still weigh the exact same as when I started this program. I did good all week but the weekend I did not do well at all. Tina and Brooke were here. Who wants to diet when you are having so much fun with them. I guess at least I didn't gain.

We are going to join the gym though. I am so excited because Heath is going to join with me and there is a great child care program there so we will get a few hours a week to ourselves. A lot of our friends belong there too and go to a body pump class 3 times a week, so we are going to try that too. Surely the diet along with working out 3 times a week, I will lose weight. I think I will be more motivated because it will be a little time without the kids. Something I have not had for 2.5 years, time to myself. Hooray!

I lost my keys this weekend. We went to Outback and I know I had them there and driving there was the last time I used them. I've called Outback numerous times to no avail. My car key is going to cost $100 to replace and my safe deposit box key $50. It makes me sick that I can't find them. I'm sure Heath is going to be thrilled when I tell him how much they are going to be to replace.

I noticed this morning that Colton's Beta fish, "Charlie", is dying. I told him that Charlie was very sick and was going to die and when he did we are going to have to flush him down the potty. He said, "Coco tell Charie sompin, Charie don't cry". It was very sweet and very sad, even though his next words were, "get new one".

Monday, January 08, 2007

First Weigh In

Ok, so my first week was not so great since I still weigh the exact same. I did really well on sticking with it. It's super easy, except when it comes to eating out. We ate out 3 times this weekend. Once at a Mexican place where Heath and I split fajitas and I got corn tortillas with mine (no refined flour) and I ate 3 chips. Did good there. Sat night we went to a sports bar type place by the river. They are famous, here anyway, for their peel and eat shrimp. I got that and also had one of Heath's cheese sticks and a Gin & Tonic. I didn't do to bad until we stopped at the custard joint and I had about 10 bites of Heath's Apple Pie Jackhammer. They take a slice of apple pie and blend it into frozen custard, put a hole in the middle and pour in hot caramel. It is to die for. Yesterday after the meeting we went to the Chinese place, and although I didn't eat much, what I did eat was not part of the program.

I know everyone that reads my blog is really interested in what I ate this weekend :) It's some interesting stuff that I am sure will brighten your day!

Friday, January 05, 2007

My Resolution

I have decided that I am bound and determined to lose this baby weight and a few more pounds while I'm at it. This isn't a New Years resolution. It just happened to be at the same time.

One of my best girl friends has lost a ton of weight (not literally) and looks great. Not that she was even remotely big to begin with. As a matter of fact when she started this I wondered why and where she was going to lose this weight she spoke of. She has always looked gorgeous. Now I am really jealous every time we go shopping and everything looks so good on her and I look like a cow and nothing at all even fits me. One of the joys of having a baby is how much your body changes.

So this is how she has done it and I'm going to do it too. The diet consists of 3 rules.
1. Fat from calories must not be over 30%
2. No enriched flour
3. No sugar
It goes on the principle that it doesn't matter when or how much you eat, but what you eat. This part I am a fan of. I have never been able to stay on a diet because when I am on one, I am constantly hungry and thinking about food. I started the diet on Monday and have done really well so far. If I am hungry after I eat my sugar free pudding, I can eat 10 more of them. Not that I would, but just the thought that I could, I think makes me OK with a smaller amount. I doubt that I've lost any weight yet but, my stomach feels better. I hasn't ached all week. This is a huge deal since my stomach hurts everyday. I know for sure now that it is sugar that was doing it. I know I need to add in exercise, I've not figured out how to fit that in yet.

My goal is to lose 20lbs. That sounds reasonable to me for now. Monday when I started this I weighed 165lbs. 15lbs is baby weight and I want to lose 5 more on top of it. Every Monday I will post my weight. I am thinking that posting this may help me stick with it even better.