Friday, November 10, 2006


Life is such an odd thing. My daughter was born a week ago yesterday and this morning at 6:30 I got the phone call that my grandmother had passed away. As one life begins another ends.

I didn't expect to be so sad. I don't mean to sound cold hearted, I loved her very much. But, it is as though we lost her a long time ago because she had Alzheimer's and has been in terrible shape for several years. I don't remember the last time I had a normal conversation with her, I think it must have been at least 8 years ago. The times I have been around her the last few years she would talk to you but so soft that you could barely hear her and she didn't really make any sense. My mom and aunt have taken care of her since Bop died almost 2 years ago. They say that she had moments that they thought she knew what was going on, like when she would cry for Bop and talk about his death. I have had numerous calls over the past few years that they thought she was about to die. She always pulled through and we all thought that she would out live us all and she would just walk right into the new system. She was such a strong person and life is going to be very strange without her.