Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hooray!! Fall is Here

Ahh, the crisp smell of fall. The beautiful changing leaves. The apples. The pumpkins. The mums. What is not to love about fall?
In honor of today being October 1st, some friends and I got together after service and took a little trip to one of the local orchards this afternoon. We spent a few hours picking out miniature pumpkins, mums, and odd varieties of apples and pears, sampling pumpkin butter and drinking apple cider. We had a great time and made some nice memories.


jewlover2 said...

Fall is here, hip hip hooray!
To turn the leaves pretty and keep hay fever at bay!

(aren't a brilliant rhymer)...LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too love love love fall. It is my favorite time of year and just smells better outside for some reason. Mums are my favorite flowers so it goes without saying that I am in a state of constant bliss seeing all the fantabulous colors of them all around me. :)Plus, the fair comes in September, and I am absolutely in love with the fair. And then of course, there are all the changing colors. Ahhhhh, indeed, what's not to love???