Friday, July 28, 2006

Scents & Memories

Before my trip to Mexico last January, I went to Bath & Body Works and bought a scent that I had never worn before to strictly wear while in Mexico. A dear friend of mine gave me the idea. She has a cousin that goes to BBW before a special trip and gets a "trip" fragrance, when she gets back and smells the scent again she is reminded of her trip. I have to say that this has been a wonderful idea. I bought White Tea & Ginger, the whole line since it's being discontinued (of course!) I even bought the hand soap and sanitizer. Every time I wash my hands upstairs I am immediatly transported to Mexico. I am walking the streets of Playa Del Carmen with a big cup of fruit checking out the vendors goods. I am lying on the beach with a drink in my hand listening to the waves hit the shore. I am walking in the cool evening air down one of the beautifully landscaped paths. I am sitting in the rain at Xel Ha sipping a Cafe Con Leche. There will never be another trip like the Mexico trip and it will forever be with me and I will always long to be there again, on the same trip, with the same people, at the same time, to relive it again.

Monday, July 24, 2006

My New Niece

I was very excited yesterday when my brother-in-law called to tell us that his wife was in labor. Since the hospital is a couple of hours from our home we went today. She is such a cute little girl. She seemed like the tiniest thing I've ever held. My baby was smaller by a little, but I hardly remember that. She weighed 6lb 8oz, I think. She looks so much like her other aunt, her mom's younger sister (not that I expected her to look like me, since she is my husband's brother's baby). It's funny how you see different people in babies. I think my boy looks just like his dad. Every once in a while I see someone in my family in him. He was very sweet with the baby and wanted to hold her the whole time. I was very happy about this. I have been very worried about him with babies for a few months now. When he sees a baby, he says, "baby, hit", and acts like he is going to hit them. I've told him countless times, "we do not hit babies, we hug babies". Just as I thought it was getting through to him, he hit a 4 month old at a graduation party and a little girl in a stroller at Old Navy, I don't think the babies even knew because it was more of a pat, but talk about embarassing. Those situations were a couple of months ago and I've found that if I ignore him when he says hit, and he hasn't been close to any babies either, he will eventually stop. I just say, "Oh, you're right there is a little baby, what a sweet baby". I think he does it to get a reaction out of me, I really do. We have been in close contact with 3 babies over the last month and he has been great with them. Which has made me feel much better and I think confirmed my theory. I think he will be a good big brother, and for now a good older cousin.