Monday, June 12, 2006

Drowning Fish

A few years ago we put a goldfish pond in our backyard. I bought the cheapest little goldfish I could find. I think they were $.19 a piece. I bought 4. They were getting really big and the 4 fish had turned into many. I loved going out to the pond and seeing all the different colors the babies were and seeing if I could spot any new ones. I have not been taking very good care of it this year and the water level was getting really low. I put the hose out there to fill it up. Later that night I was getting ready for bed and heard water running somewhere. I looked all around and could not figure out for the life of me where it was coming from. I finally just chalked it up to being the dishwasher running. I woke up at around 5:45 the next morning and still heard the water running and finally it dawns on me where this is coming from. I run outside and to my surprise my yard isn't flooded. Everything looked good still (except for my upcoming water bill I'm sure). The next day I was trying to get some of this very annoying plant out of the pond, when I discovered that the fish were dead. I drowned my fish.


Heather said...

I know I didn't literally drown my fish.

Anonymous said...

Sure you didn't.
Clearly you are an evil fish killer. Next thing you know you'll be trying to suffocate me in an oxygen chamber.

Anonymous said...

Why is there no picture for this blog entry?

Heather said...

The fish already sank to the bottom so I couldn't get em out to take a pic. ;)

Anonymous said...
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