Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bun Update


I had an ultrasound this morning and it showed that the little bun is indeed a girl. From the way everything looks, she is right where she should be growth wise and looks healthy. The sceptic in me says, "are they sure? It probably will be a boy, she probably didn't look at it right, she couldn't tell me it's actually a boy after I was crying out of sheer delight (oh, there's the pee pee after all), it doesn't look like a hamburger or a turtle to me". If I get rid of all my boy things it's sure to be a boy. I'll post the pics as soon as I can get to a scanner, I don't have one.


Anonymous said...

I can't possibly describe how thrilled I am for you!!!!! She is gonna be the cutest dressed girl ever! Yay!!! What a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! The scary girl dance worked indeed. So thrilled.

jewlover2 said...

I told you I can work magic. Congrats!'

You must name her something brilliant.

Heather said...

Her name is Ava.

jewlover2 said...

BRILLIANT. Good for you.

Heather said...

For those that were confused, they say on a ultrasound a boy looks like a turtle and a girl a hamburger.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha..... that's kinda funny. Who came up with those descriptions?? Heeeheeehee