Friday, June 02, 2006

Bun Update

I had a doctor's appointment this week and he said that everything is looking good. The baby's heartrate was 143. The great news is, I gained 8 pounds in a month. Hooray! (please note sarcasm) Guess I need to lay off the Hershey's Special Dark. Our next appointment is an ultrasound on the 29th. Then Bun can get a real name. Please be a girl, please be a girl, please be a girl.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm......gaining 8 lbs. in a month.... Wait! Maybe I'M pregnant!!!!!! Harharrharhh......

jewlover2 said...

I'll push some subliminals your way too...


There, it's a girl now.

Anonymous said...

It's so a girl. What boy would make you crave Hershey's special dark. Plus she's camera shy? It's a girl. I do a special be a girl dance for you every day. It's frightens the neighbors, but it's sure to work.

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