Thursday, March 30, 2006

Memories of a 9 Year Old Me

While riding in the car the other night, a very familiar song came on the radio. Eye of the Tiger by Survivior. I must have heard that song a hundred times since it was popular in the early 1980's. On this night though, I remembered the 9 year old me. I remembered this being my favorite song. I remembered going to a pizza place after the meeting on Thursday nights with other people from our congregation. I remembered playing this song on the jukebox and twirling in my dress. It was my favorite dress. It was a 50's style dress with a red and white skirt and an attached white shirt and a tiny black belt. This dress spun out far. Then I remembered him. The boy that I had the biggest crush on. Brian Willis. He was also about 9 at the time. He was tall with dark hair and very handsome. His family would sometimes go this pizza place with us all. I remembered this particular night, with me in this dress spinning, and Eye of the Tiger playing on the jukebox, hoping that he would like me too.

It's funny how certain things bring back memories. I hadn't thought about this night in years. When the song was over, I turned to my husband who was driving and told him my little memory that this song brought back.

1 comment:

jewlover2 said...

Oh...the Brian Willis. I had such a crush on him when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I had binoculars at the Convention and stared at him as much as I could, that hand in front of his face...SOOOO HOT! LOL!

Sometimes I would walk all the way over to the bathroom by where he was sitting just so that if he came out, I'd be standing in line by his exit. Sad, really.

You know, I was actually there when he met Nicole Melton. We ate dinner on a riverboat downtown with a big group of people and he and Nicole seperated themselves from the group alot. I was steaming mad because OF COURSE she was alot older than me and way sexy. This memory is cracking me up!