Monday, March 16, 2009

Bye Sweet Barty Boy

I can hardly believe that Bart is gone. I guess since he hasn't lived with us for the past year or so, it feels like he is just in Memphis waiting for us to visit. I got the call yesterday afternoon from Mom that she didn't think he was going to make it and sure enough, today he had to be put to sleep.

We got Bart when he was 5 weeks old and he was my baby. He was a tiny (when we got him) red minature doberman that thought he was a full size doberman. I couldn't sit down without him right there curled up resting his head on my leg. If there was a blanket he had to be under it. He didn't seem to mind when he was replaced by a real baby when he was 7 years old. Even though he always hated kids, he knew Colton was ours and he loved him and Colton loved Bart. Bart loved to run and I always felt terrible that we never had a fenced yard for him to run in. When he got loose, he would run for hours and bark and chase anyone he saw. I have run through fields of soybeans, neighborhoods, parking lots, and streets to catch him. He had the police called on him more than once and the police would try to help me capture him. You couldn't catch Bart though until he was finished, it was a game to him, you would think you had him and he would dart off again. Only when he was good and ready did he allow you to catch him. I spent several nights awake waiting for him to come home. And waking up to him barking at a neighbor who was up well before dawn. I would sit on the front porch while he was there in the yard, not quite ready to come in. I'm glad he got to at least spend the last year running in a fenced yard.

Bart was a special dog and a special friend that I will forever miss.


Tonight was the preview sale for a children's consignment sale. If you consign you get to go before it opens to the public. Heath took the kids to the park to fish this afternoon so I could go to the sale. As I was walking out the door he called and told me that Colton had hooked Ava in the neck. We had to take her to the ER to get it removed. Ava being her jolly little self didn't seem to notice there was a fishing lure in her neck and smiled and talked to everyone just like she normally would. They just tied string around it and pulled it out. Thankfully it was the RN that did it because he was the only one that seemed to know how to do it. Everyone else just looked at it like, "Who is going to hurt this sweet little girl trying to get this thing out". She cried just a little, they put a bandaid (pink of course) on it, and we left. I did get a video of her saying she was a glub glub when we asked what kind of fish she is. If I can figure out how to post it I will. I did make it to the sale, thank goodness. After the day I had, I needed some shopping therapy.