Sunday, January 18, 2009

OK, OK, I'm Here

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted. What can I say, my life is pretty boring.

OK, my life since October, besides things I do all the time. Cleaning house, meetings, service, etc. Here goes... I pioneered in Nov. It was a great time to with the special campaign. A little difficult with two little ones. But I had great help as aways from my friends. I actually made my time and even got to go Black Friday shopping with Tina. We went to Memphis for a family dinner. Which was fabulously Southern. Everything you could possibly eat and much more. Delicious as always and great to all be together.

Hum, December, I don't remember anything special about that month except for turning 34 and a very busy day with a cooking with kids class at the school and then a Mudpuppies class at the conservation dept. followed by lunch at Panera and Bolt, I think it was even a meeting night.

This month we went on a road trip to Ohio. Just Heath & I. Mom & Dad came up and watched the kids. Heath had to go for business. We left Wed morning and were back by 7 Friday night. It snowed the entire way there. I went to Ikea in Cincinnati. LOVE. THAT. STORE. Stayed at a fabulous hotel that had an indoor pool with a waterfall. The water was very warm too.

I found out that I may no longer be in business next month with a new law that has passed which makes it illegal to sell any item geared toward children under 13 without it going through extensive and VERY expensive testing for lead. It's ribbon people! Come on. It's not even Chinese ribbon. They have been tweaking the law though so hopefully it will be adjusted for small businesses like me and the million other bow makers out there. Under the new law it was going to be illegal to sell any item (even clothing and shoes) that was made before Feb 10, 2009, even at a garage sale or consignment shop. They have adjusted that now. The economy is falling apart and now they weren't going to let people buy used clothing. And with all of the testing that will have to be done, clothing prices for kids are going to go way up for sure. It's crazy. I've spent hours getting Material Safety Data Sheets for every item I have to prove that what I make doesn't contain lead. In Nov. that won't be enough. I would have to send each bow that I make (I never make 2 the same) and they would test every component of the finished bow. Each component they test is hundreds of dollars. So to have one bow tested it would probably be around $500. I would sell this bow for $7. Needless to say, I'll be out of business soon if it stays the same.

We are leaving in a few days for a cruise. It's just a short one. 4 days. We're meeting friends in New Orleans and hopping on a boat. Hopefully it will be hot in Cozumel and New Orleans for that matter. I'm getting really tired of these Arctic Clippers. It was warmer in Alaska than it was here last week. Colton is very concerned about sharks. He keeps asking Heath if he is sure that he wants to swim in the ocean. He is determined that it is unsafe for any of us to get in.

I have seen a few movies. Bedtime Stories, Madagascar 2 (twice), & Australia. Australia was definitely the best of the three. Hello Hugh. The scenery was gorgeous. Australia I mean. Not Hugh, well, Hugh too. OK, I'll shut up now.
Bedtime Stories was OK, different than his other movies. I like that he uses the same people in his movies, it's always fun looking for them as different characters. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. We went to an evening movie though and Ava was restless, that was probably part of it. Plus I had to take Colton to the bathroom during the gumball scene. We're going to have to stick to Matinees for now.
I really liked Madagascar 2. I normally wouldn't have seen it twice. My mother-in-law had my niece for the day and wanted my kids to go to see it with them too, but understandably couldn't handle 2 two year olds and a 4 year old by herself. Who could? So we saw it again. It is funnier than the first one I think.

Well, that's my life the past 3 months in a nutshell. I hope that this post has satisfied the Blog Nazis for a while.