Friday, September 15, 2006

Having Those Feelings Again

I don't know if this is a normal part of having a second child or not. I just feel so sad sometimes that these are my last days alone with Colton. I can't even write this with out crying. Our lives are about to change so much and he has no idea. It worries me sick that he will feel like someone has taken his place and that I don't love him as much because I can't give him the amount of attention that I have for the past 2 years. All he has ever known is being with me, just him and me. I am worried that his personality will change, that he will regress.
I know that I will never truly forget these times, although when Ava gets here it will be hard to remember life without her, but Colton will forget. When Colton was born I could not imagine how a parent could love another child as much as their first. To be truthful, I still don't. I have never know a love like this. It is so overwhelming and can not be explained to anyone that hasn't experienced it for themselves. I know that my feelings on this will change as soon as Ava gets here. I won't be able to imagine how a parent could love a 3rd child as much as the first two, and to that, at least at this point, I don't want to find out.
On the other hand, I am so excited about Ava being born and can hardly wait. Partly due to the fact that I then can have a Gin & Tonic and Dragon Roll. Not really, well maybe :)

There is so much left to do and such a short time to do it in. I finally have all of the nursery furniture, it all has to be painted. All of the clothes need to be washed. I still have tons of shopping to do. Curtains need to be made, and the nursery decorated. At least all of the furniture is out of that room and it can be started as soon as I can figure out what to do with it. This pregnancy has gone by so fast. Only 6-8 weeks to go. I think it will be more like 6 weeks. Colton was 2 weeks early and she is measuring a week big at my last 3 doctor's visits.